Fresh Grabs

How’s that Milestones pressing and is it available widely online?
I'm listening to Milestones now. It's pressed on 180g and dead quiet. No surface noise. Comes in poly sleeve in a simple single sleeve cardboard jacket (kind of flimsy). Mastering is excellent and it sounds great to me. I'm using a Rega RP40 turntable, Elys2 cart, through JBL L830 speakers. Very pleased with the album, and totally worth it at a $20 price point. Good press by RTI.

High praises to this Mono version of Milestones in the article below.

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No affiliation. This thing cost nearly as much as my (used) car, so I don't want anyone to think I'm selling anything here. I weighed my time, options and opportunities and decided to go for it. YMMV. I used a SpinClean and then the homebrew ultrasonic tank and motorized record spit amalgamation mentioned above prior to this purchase. Also, I have no children.
Have you tried this with a really noisy record? I have an Okki Nokki and it's pretty decent. I'm interested though in whether an ultrasonic cleaner could help a lot of my African discs - which are frankly mostly G+/VG- ie play reasonably but with a lot of crackle. So if/when you have experience with a noisier disc I'd love to hear. I might check these guys out the next time I'm in Estonia anyway...
Mail day! First up A Love Supreme! My first copy of this album. Excited to spin itIMG_20201013_165231.jpg

Now this next one is kind of a white whale for me. I love this group but they don't have many albums available on vinyl(and cds are kind of hard to find). Produced by Toshio Matsuura, released in 1997, Small Circle of Friends "Platform 5". 🖤


This is one of my favorite groups, so I'm excited to add another album from them on vinyl to my collection. I've seen them live 3 times now and it's always a great show. Hope you check them out if you are interested!