
Man I’ve been posting pictures of my garden renovation on the home improvement because so far it’s just been moving dirt and destroying concrete. Maybe I’ll do a walk though movie for all the dirt I moved around.
So raspberry season is finished over here as of tonight. Picked only 4-5 and they went straight into my mouth.

This is my production for the year - three large ziplocks with individually frozen berries for use all year. I also have a few handfuls in a 4th bag I started a few days ago. The year turned out much better than I expected. I didn't get huge days like some years but the production was steady. I got a solid 3-4 weeks of berries.

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Ok here is my front yard for the next 7 weeks. Patiently waiting for November planting season to come around.
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Good luck!

We should probably do the same with ours - start fresh with our lawn. We've got quite a few varieties of different grass growing, all at a different pace, from previous owners of our house. It's quite frustrating sometimes.

We created a delicious fresh pasta sauce with our garden beefsteak tomatoes this week. It was sweet and chunky, just how I like it. Our grape tomatoes are starting to decrease production, which is fine - we have sooo many to last us. Caught a few giant caterpillars munching on the tomato plants.

The zucchini plants are just about done, and the open space in the garden have been taken over by the strawberries, although we haven't had a single fruit from them since June. I think we have something eating them.

Our snap beans, finally recovered from being ravaged by the japanese beetles, are producing like mad. I have a gallon bag of them in the freezer because there's too much for us to eat.

The wife has requested another planter box for next year, so I think we can call this year a success.

Good luck!

We should probably do the same with ours - start fresh with our lawn. We've got quite a few varieties of different grass growing, all at a different pace, from previous owners of our house. It's quite frustrating sometimes.

We created a delicious fresh pasta sauce with our garden beefsteak tomatoes this week. It was sweet and chunky, just how I like it. Our grape tomatoes are starting to decrease production, which is fine - we have sooo many to last us. Caught a few giant caterpillars munching on the tomato plants.

The zucchini plants are just about done, and the open space in the garden have been taken over by the strawberries, although we haven't had a single fruit from them since June. I think we have something eating them.

Our snap beans, finally recovered from being ravaged by the japanese beetles, are producing like mad. I have a gallon bag of them in the freezer because there's too much for us to eat.

The wife has requested another planter box for next year, so I think we can call this year a success.

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Tomato horn worms. Kill it. They can ravage your whole garden in a day.
Good luck!

We should probably do the same with ours - start fresh with our lawn. We've got quite a few varieties of different grass growing, all at a different pace, from previous owners of our house. It's quite frustrating sometimes.

We created a delicious fresh pasta sauce with our garden beefsteak tomatoes this week. It was sweet and chunky, just how I like it. Our grape tomatoes are starting to decrease production, which is fine - we have sooo many to last us. Caught a few giant caterpillars munching on the tomato plants.

The zucchini plants are just about done, and the open space in the garden have been taken over by the strawberries, although we haven't had a single fruit from them since June. I think we have something eating them.

Our snap beans, finally recovered from being ravaged by the japanese beetles, are producing like mad. I have a gallon bag of them in the freezer because there's too much for us to eat.

The wife has requested another planter box for next year, so I think we can call this year a success.

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I’ve had some monarch caterpillars on my milkweed, but I think the birds get them before they change to the chrysalis stage.
Planted some garlic.

Cleared out all the old tomato plants, put them into the mulch pile.

dug some trenches


Trying two new garlics. They have huge cloves!


Covered them up with some leaves for mulch. I did mix in some 10-10-10 fertilizer, too.

Garlic should be ready to pull in June-July. Should yield about 80 heads of garlic, if the squirrels don't dig them up.