Thanks for this.They don't like standing water. So if you are putting it in the ground make sure it's someplace that's well-drained and add a lot of grit / sand to the soil to promote drainage. I don't think they are super nutrient intensive but need a good balanced fertilizer once a quarter or so. They are susceptible to wind damage and frost if exposed for more than a couple hours but are hardier than people think. They work well in giant pots too if you need to move them around or protect against cold nights / wind.
I was thinking about putting in a pot for a year or two until it gets a little bigger. I'm concerned about wind damage since this year's hurricanes are supposed to be bad, so I think I might just re-use an old pot for now. It's a hybrid tree and it has something on the tag about being a pink lemon tree. I was very interested so I decided to take it home with me.