Hip Hop

Re-listening for the second time and still .. underwhelmed. Not a bad song at all but I guess my expectations for a Primo x GxFR would be so much better than this. Or maybe they just sound doper over Daringer / Alchemist / Camouflage Monk.

as much as I might want to I really can't disagree with you, especially regarding coming into this with high expectations. like you said, it's not a bad song but to me it feels like it lacks any real substance. I wonder if with all 3 of them spitting on this track it doesn't give any of them enough room to breathe and really come with something we all know they are capable of...or if it's just due to their propensity to not spend more than 5 minutes working on a track.

I do think the beat is pretty nice though.

I agree with the sentiment on here. I gave it a listen. Underwhelmed. Smoked a bowl and gave it another listen. Still underwhelmed. It's OK, but nothing special, given the hype. I'm a little disappointed with Griselda for the first time in a very long time. Primo is still the GOD, but I agree, his style doesn't mesh with Griselda as well as Daringer, ALC, Sadhugold, Camo, etc.

And the verses were a little lazy. But I smiled at "Drake had Rihanna, Mike had Madonna/But I drove a few bricks through the Carolinas". And yes, the lack of scratched hook is just....weird. The cuts in the intro and outro are dope AF. Oh well...
I agree with the sentiment on here. I gave it a listen. Underwhelmed. Smoked a bowl and gave it another listen. Still underwhelmed. It's OK, but nothing special, given the hype. I'm a little disappointed with Griselda for the first time in a very long time. Primo is still the GOD, but I agree, his style doesn't mesh with Griselda as well as Daringer, ALC, Sadhugold, Camo, etc.

And the verses were a little lazy. But I smiled at "Drake had Rihanna, Mike had Madonna/But I drove a few bricks through the Carolinas". And yes, the lack of scratched hook is just....weird. The cuts in the intro and outro are dope AF. Oh well...

Kinda further proof that Benny is just killing it right now. I used to only like him on guest verses but after really taking in Tana Talk 3, my appreciation for him has gone waaay up.
his output can be a bit hit or miss but you might dig Homeboy Sandman

I really want to like HS and there's songs of his I really like but I don't think any of his albums have gotten more than 1 spin from me (I own his first? record I think).. and I recently stumbled upon that Humble Pi record and holy shit, as a complete Edan stan, I can not really capture the level of disappointment I had in that record. It really reminded me that we need a new Edan solo album though.
I would check out One Day It'll All Make Sense by Common. I think it hits a lot of notes from what you mentioned there. No I.D. does a great job with the production, the subject matter is a little more heady/less crass than other examples. I'd say that its more rooted in a slightly dustier hip-hop aesthetic than the Tribe record and doesn't quite explore as far sonically, but still jazzy.

Another one to check for is Q-Tip's The Renaissance. He's in Tribe, so the subject matter really fits there and its also a lusher sounding record like the Tribe record is.
Man, I love that Common album but Making a name for ourselves is one of the most memorible cringe hooks ever for me for some reason. Squared <> double and how dare you insult my mathematical abilities for thinking otherwise! :geek::ROFLMAO:
I really want to like HS and there's songs of his I really like but I don't think any of his albums have gotten more than 1 spin from me (I own his first? record I think).. and I recently stumbled upon that Humble Pi record and holy shit, as a complete Edan stan, I can not really capture the level of disappointment I had in that record. It really reminded me that we need a new Edan solo album though.
I haven't listened to Humble Pi in a minute but I remember liking it...I also like his Lice projects with Aesop Rock. that said he's got a ton of shit out there that's great, but I can't think of a single album that's front to back as dope as it should be. I'd day he's still worth checking out though

that's enough for now but there's plenty more dopeness from him
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Whenever I see Homeboy Sandman (who I've never listened to) I am always reminded of this dude from a long time ago that I loved called Sandman from Minnesota. When my computer crashed I lost his music which made me really sad. Anyone ever listen to him?

No like water...?

Not really. I love Dilla but him and Common just doesn't really work for me (outside of maybe E=MC2 which is fairly un-Dilla-esque imo) .. And the whole Soulquarian thing never really did it for me (there are exceptions to this rule of course) .. I also wonder sometimes whether I just have an inherent need to buck the trends. There's a lot of records that heads today call classics that I look at like .. 'eh, it's pretty good.. classic? not really' .. and I'm not sure if that's just me getting old with my onion belts, or whether it's the kids that are wrong or whether i'm just being contrarian. who the eff knows. But yeah, I've owned like 3 copies of Like Water and sold them all over the innernets whenever they came into my possession.. just not for me.
Thought you might at least dig the premier track

Man, you're just going to elicit all my unpopular rap opinions today if we keep digging.

At that point in his career, I was pretty done with Primo... his whole style had become so formulaic, I (and I know of at least a few others) joked that you could just program something to take a sample, chop it up and boom, you have a new Primo beat, because.. yeah, they were so by-the-numbers at that point.. Again, this is entirely my humble opinion and feel free to disagree all you like! On the same sorta note, I loved the beat Primo did for Limp Bizkit and Meth.. not really because it was even a good beat.. but because it was so un-Primo-esque.

I mean, I'll probably revisit it some day as I find the majority of 'new' music I'm discovering is just older stuff that I hadn't heard before so it will still be in my wheelhouse.. so we'll see, time will tell.
Can you list your favorite album by each? I like adding a full album to a Spotify playlist and listening to new recs in the gym. I prefer full albums, if you can, I'd appreciate the extra time! Thanks!

yeah I can give this some thought and add albums. I picked these artists to recommend to the other fellow because I thought they would line up with his taste in older artists and most of them I felt you could just easily jump in anywhere.
Whats up yall! Just got caught up and I'm loving the discussions going on.

Most underrated rapper of all time is Bun B. He has some of the greatest lines and verses of all time but tends to get overlooked because he was in a group with Pimp C who garnered more attention.

@kvetcha if you havent listen to CunninLynguists, make sure you check them out, start with their debut Will Rap for Food and go in chronological order. I'd be surprised if you don't find something you like.

Best Common albums are Be, Resurrection and Electric Circus in that order.

For fans of Saba, Kota The Friend dropped a new album yesterday that has a similar vibe to it and features Saba as well. Worth a listen for sure.

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Whats up yall! Just got caught up and im loving the discussions going on.

Most underrated rapper of all time is Bun B. He has some of the greatest lines and verses of all time but tends to get overlooked because he was in a group with Pimp C who garnered more attention.

@kvetcha if you havent listen to CunninLynguists, make sure you check them out, start with their debut Will Rap for Food and to in chronological order. Od be surprised if you dont find something you like.

Best Common albums are Be, Resurrection and Electric Circus in that order.

For fans of Saba, Kota The Friend dropped a new album yesterday that has a similar vibe to it and features Saba as well. Worth a listen for sure.

Do people really rank Pimp C over Bun B? I always thought it was the opposite, but shows what I know. The thing with picks like Bun or Fab is they still got major label deals.. so at least they got a shot? I was thinking more along the lines of someone like Breezely Brewin who almost had a major label deal but only had it all fall apart and he became sort've an underground legend.. or did he? I don't know anymore.

As for the Common, we'll have to agree to disagree. But you're wrong :cool:

And as far as Saba goes.. and this is directed towards errbody who likes Saba.. y'all checked out Anticon's stuff? The stuff I heard by him always reminds me of some of the earlier Anticon jazz.