Home Improvement Thread 2: Electric Redo the Loo

Quick update: I had a similarly stuck window on the first floor, checked it from the outside, and it seems the window is stuck to the runner; I didn’t paint them since closing them, but they’re stuck as though they had been painted.
Gotta figure how to shimmy the upstairs one to unstuck without getting up on a ladder (I can, but just don’t wanna)
Got ‘em: held a block against the frame and tapped it with a rubber mallet. Thank you for your moral support in this tough time. 🙏
Ya I gotta do 3 of these bathrooms and I'm not looking forward to like 20 g's a pop.

Yeah I ended up about €14k for the bits and builder and skips and stuff and then another €1k for the various finishing touches.

I could have saved money buying the bits and fetching them and hiring a builder separately but honestly I don’t have the time, own a trailer or have the inclination to make that €1k or €2k saving worthwhile.

Google tells me that’s about CA$24k but it is quite a large bathroom and our cost of living is insane so that probably shaves a bit off.
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