Hot Take/ Musical Confession Thread!

Who hurt them?
My mom's parents were born in the 20s/30s and were really into jazz, but for them it ended when those guys went crazy. She said Coltrane was just noise. Can't imagine she was talking about their early bop stuff as much as Love Supreme, but she preferred the older big band stuff and standards.
Because I listen to their songs and they make me happy or sad, it’s great pop music I hate people trying to intellectualise it!
So many people try to intellectualize the Beatles. Alot of their songs are meant to be taken at face value. That's honestly why I really can't get that into the Beatles they have a sect of fans that are insanely pretentious and treat all of their songs as high art instead of songs just meant to be enjoyed. "She Loves You" is just a poppy love song. It's not something to be analyzed. The Beatles agreed. That's why they made "I am the walrus" I also kinda disagree with their classification as "Rock"
What do you know you weren’t born for another 5 years 😜

Seriously though all of that was thrown in a big basket called “grunge” and sold over here as that so that’s how I’ll always see it, not that labels actually even matter a tiny little bit...
That's fair. I mean I think that Indie Rock is the most vague label ever
Thanks for your service!
The hot take thread might actually be the appropriate place for this next statement.

While I understand the intent might be genuine, I have become super uncomfortable with the civil religion of military service adoration in the post 9/11 world. While it’s better than the hatred of the .mil in the Vietnam war era of my dad’s generation, I think the pendulum has swung way too far in the other direction.

So, I guess, thanks?
The hot take thread might actually be the appropriate place for this next statement.

While I understand the intent might be genuine, I have become super uncomfortable with the civil religion of military service adoration in the post 9/11 world. While it’s better than the hatred of the .mil in the Vietnam war era of my dad’s generation, I think the pendulum has swung way too far in the other direction.

So, I guess, thanks?
I agree. I don't worship the military. I find it very concerning to blindly revere the military. However, I respect people that serve in an institution that is bigger than them and has the capacity to benefit people. That being said as someone who lives in an extremely red, converative part of the American south I intensely dislike blind Jingoism. It's dangerous.
The hot take thread might actually be the appropriate place for this next statement.

While I understand the intent might be genuine, I have become super uncomfortable with the civil religion of military service adoration in the post 9/11 world. While it’s better than the hatred of the .mil in the Vietnam war era of my dad’s generation, I think the pendulum has swung way too far in the other direction.

So, I guess, thanks?

I actually think the fetishisation of the military and the blind worship of military service/servicemen is one of the most genuinely terrifying political developments of the last 15-20 years.