
This one was all sold out by the time I checked this morning. Bummed to have missed it.
Ah how annoying, sorry to hear that. It was down to 7 when I bought a copy this morning. It must have flown off the shelf as it wasnt much longer after the email came in that I bought.

Hopefully there will be a proper standard pressing.
Sorry if this has been covered before, but can anyone give me some good starting points for Tubby Hayes?
Oooooh now we are talking! The Fontana Years is a great place to start if you want to deep dive. Its a good mix of his big band, small group and live recordings which really shows of his composition abilities as well as his sax, vibraphone and flute playing.

A ton of Tubby's live recordings have found their way into official release recently as well, with Gearbox pressing a lot of them such as The Syndicate: Live At The Hopbine 1968 Vol.1, The Jazz Couriers Live In Morecambe 1959 and Live At Ronnie Scott´s to name a few.

I personally really like his Jazz Couriers releases and his work on Tempo records (which highlight some of his best work tbh), but the tapes were destroyed in the 80's and there are very few reissues, unfortunately. A good set to stream though for sure!
I’m shocked by this news. RIP, Chick Corea. My favorite album by him:

That's a rough one, WTF moment. Seen him many times live including with Return to Forever (Stanley Clarke was incredible), One time I was underaged and the doorman let me sneak in as long as I promised no booze (was a over 21 jazz club at that time). The second time was with the Electric Band and his Synclavier died and the tech could not make it in because of weather, so they did two acoustic sets. Was f'in great!. I will be doing a tribute post on the Whats Spinning thread this weekend.

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I don't remember seeing this announced but if it was already posted here, I apologize.
For those who missed out on the fantastic VMP Dreams by Gabór Szabo, there is a re-issue planned in May. Colored though.
Definitely won’t be the same pressing though. Does anyone have that previous issue from that Austrian label? Sound any good? I would almost wait until it gets a repress from VMP if anyone is on the fence.