Day 3 - You First Encounter With Music
The Rolling Stones - Hot Rocks
Most people are raised around music. Either hearing it played in their household, from older siblings, or singing in church or at birthday parties. Music is as much a part of the human experience as eating and sleeping, in most cultures. With that said, it’s impossible for me to know or remember the first time music was brought into my life, but I do very distinctly remember the first time I chose it for myself and noticed something on my own that wasn’t fed to me through my grandmothers old technics stereo.
There was a new Television show broadcasting sometime when I was around 8 years old about the Vietnam War and what happened to the men and women while over there. I believe it was called Tour of Duty, but I can’t quite recall if it was a straight drama or a “dramedy” like M*A*S*H or what. What I do remember was sitting on my Grandparents floor the first time it aired and hearing this sombre, almost haunting, guitar tune playing during the opening credits. I hummed that tune in my head while out in the backyard playing G.I. Joe for weeks not knowing it as anything other than the intro to a tv show. A few weeks went by and we were at the grandparents again, and the show came on again, and I told my grandma that I liked the song. She seemed oddly interested and kept asking me what I liked about it. Told me it was by some band called Rolling Stones and that it was a real song called Paint It Black.
Next time I saw my grandma she had a new tape for me, Through the Past Darkly : Big Hits Vol. 2. She told me to listen to it and let her know what I think. I’d like to say I was an instant fan and was the only 8 yr-old on the block repping a Stones tee, but I remember listening and telling her the “guy can’t sing” after hearing Ruby Tuesday. Haha.
I played the absolute shit out of Paint It Black on that old cassette, though.