June 2020 Record Challenge Thread (The RAFFLE continues!)

Tuesday (16) – Prints, get your prints, what is a piece of art that came with your record that you want to show off

I pick "Violence" by Editors for today. It includes 12 sheets of impressive art. Also a nice signed picture of the band was included in this edition.
It's a great album too. 💜

Editors "Violence"



Tuesday (16) – Prints, get your prints, what is a piece of art that came with your record that you want to show off

When I was a youth, if you didn't own these prints and this poster wasn't on your wall you had some explainin' to do.

The original art and album that I bought in 1974...

The Beatles - White Album

Day 16 - Prints, get your prints, what is a piece of art that came with your record that you want to show off

Moses Sumney - grae

I'm once again going to ask you to do a little work (click through the pictures haha) to see this art, but the packaging on this record is amazing. The piece that I'm going to highlight is this translucent plastic that looks like an old projector sheet with what appears to be random letters printed on it. When you place that over the center of one of the booklets that came with the record, it reveals a poem. Super cool! A ton of thought went into the packaging for this album and it was extremely well done!

Day 16 - prints

Orchestre Baobab - Mohammadou Bamba

Not sure I have many prints but these are the albums I currently have hanging in the hallway (Baobab is top left; Black Santiago, Terry Callier, and Joni Mitchell are the others). Any excuse to play this album, which is a top 10 of all time one for me, is a good one.


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Day 16: Prints

Ok, so not really artwork, but it cracks me up every time I play this album. Sort of like Spinal Tap and Stonehenge in reverse. I picture Neil talking to reprise - "Hey, I want to put a lyric sheet in the album". They say, sure we do that all the time. Little did they know.

Somehow it ends up with this giant lyric sheet. Maybe Neil was thinking ahead for his audience aging, and making sure they had a large print version....

Neil Young ~ Time Fades Away

Album Cover for Scale:
