Well-Known Member
Was talking about them in the recently created Power Pop thread, so I thought I'd put up a post here about the Last Night From Glasgow label.
Created in 2016, LNFG was designed to be different from other record labels. Fiercely independent, it's key aim is to give bands the best possible deal, and to ensure that neither band or customer is ripped off. The not for profit element is key here, which allows bands to get paid a fair amount on the records sold, and keeps the subscriptions at a seriously good price point.
I've been a member since it started, and it's genuinely exciting seeing how much the label has grown. What was once a handful of records a year is now a solid roster of releases, and there are now 2 additional labels for more experimental stuff and reissues of Glasgow/Scottish classics. It also gave me one of the joys of lockdown - very early on the label came up with the Isolation Sessions - a covers album, as well as a photography documentary where all the members could get their photo taken at home by Brian Sweeney, a legend of Scottish music photography.
In terms of releases, it's now home to Bis, and has a leaning towards "classic" Scottish pop. I'd recommend Broken Chanter, Domiciles, Cloth, and Mt Doubt if you want to get started. Future reissues are going to see some Trashcan Sinatras and BMX Bandits, and there are a lot of good new things on the way.
The absolute deal-breaker is the price - £66!
Created in 2016, LNFG was designed to be different from other record labels. Fiercely independent, it's key aim is to give bands the best possible deal, and to ensure that neither band or customer is ripped off. The not for profit element is key here, which allows bands to get paid a fair amount on the records sold, and keeps the subscriptions at a seriously good price point.
I've been a member since it started, and it's genuinely exciting seeing how much the label has grown. What was once a handful of records a year is now a solid roster of releases, and there are now 2 additional labels for more experimental stuff and reissues of Glasgow/Scottish classics. It also gave me one of the joys of lockdown - very early on the label came up with the Isolation Sessions - a covers album, as well as a photography documentary where all the members could get their photo taken at home by Brian Sweeney, a legend of Scottish music photography.
In terms of releases, it's now home to Bis, and has a leaning towards "classic" Scottish pop. I'd recommend Broken Chanter, Domiciles, Cloth, and Mt Doubt if you want to get started. Future reissues are going to see some Trashcan Sinatras and BMX Bandits, and there are a lot of good new things on the way.
The absolute deal-breaker is the price - £66!

Last Night From Glasgow Online Shop
Online shop for Glasgow based record label Last Night From Glasgow. We are a patron-funded not-for-profit record label, founded on the principle of putting artists and their music first. We also run the bricks and mortar record shop Music From Big Blue which stocks records from all labels...