I’m not 100% certain it’s done, but I had a series of weird situations with noise, distortion, and bizarre mistracking in the last week or so. The challenge is that it wasn’t on every record. But it was enough instances that i double checked VTF and antiskate, which were both fine. And the tonearm was still as parallel as it was the day i set it up to begin with. My VTF was approx 1.85, so not high, so my wear should have been normal.
Then i went back and looked at my install date (almost 19 months ago) and did a rough calculation using 10 hours/week as my average TT play time, which I think is both reliable and probably conservative. So that’s 820 hours but, again, i think that’s conservative. I do 5-10 on many if not most weekends. I’m guessing I’m at least at 1,000.
I don’t know what the life span should be, and I know it’s not an exact science. I thought it was supposed to be 1,000 or so based on a very vague recollection of something posted here, but then I saw much smaller numbers in online advice/commentary sites about carts generally, not specific to SAE.
All that, combined with what I also read about how a worn-out cart can damage records, led me to make a change. If I damage even one valuable record trying to eke out too many hours on the cart, it’ll cost me a significant % of the total cost of retipping.