March 2025 Challenge Thread - Live Music (Really) Is Better!

Day 4 - Play some Bluegrass / folk or something that features spoken word.

“Moroccan Nights” starts with a spoken word passage.
He played this tiny venue in Curitiba in 2017, it was something special.
Lee Ranaldo - Electric Trim

Day 4: Prairie Home Companion November 1997, Fitzgerald Theater – Went to two Prairie Home Companion tapings when I lived in Minneapolis. This one featured the Nashville Bluegrass Band which featured Peter Rowan (who was in Old & In The Way with Jerry Garcia), and can be listened to here: March 22, 1997 broadcast with Kate MacKenzie, Peter Rowan, and the Nashville Bluegrass Band | A Prairie Home Companion. Play some Bluegrass / folk or something that features spoken word.

I'll go with Sturgill since I just bought tix for the Johnny Blue Skies tour.

Day 3: The Samples, early 1990s at The Barn UC Riverside – Booked them to play the bar I worked at, my now-wife and I had so much fun that we followed them to Vegas the next day. They were big for a bit, and flamed out into varying resurrected iterations. Play an album from a band that has faded into obscurity.

Loved the first Sidewinders record. Seemed they were primed to bust out with MTV exposure on top of just being a damn good band. Second record came out. Didn't do as well as the first. Changed their name to Sand Rubies and carried on with really good music but no big success outside of their native Tucson and the west.

Saw these guys on their tour for the second record in a small club with an even smaller crowd. After the show, Rich invited all of us backstage to help them drink all their beer from their rider. He and Dave were so welcoming and appreciative of everyone there. Gave me their contact/address info and told me to hit them up anytime. Really great guys.

From the gig. Rich and Dave wrote their contact info on the back...


Here's a song (Witchdoctor) from my recording of that show. Not the best capture but, hey, a document exists...

Sidewinders - Wichdoctor


One @imtheocean will appreciate - Sand Rubies released the Neil Young song Interstate years before Neil did...

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Day 4: Prairie Home Companion November 1997, Fitzgerald Theater – Went to two Prairie Home Companion tapings when I lived in Minneapolis. This one featured the Nashville Bluegrass Band which featured Peter Rowan (who was in Old & In The Way with Jerry Garcia), and can be listened to here: March 22, 1997 broadcast with Kate MacKenzie, Peter Rowan, and the Nashville Bluegrass Band | A Prairie Home Companion. Play some Bluegrass / folk or something that features spoken word.

New Grass Revival bucked the traditional bluegrass scene by expanding the sound palette and song structure many purists held dear. They weren't afraid of adapting any genre, music or message to fit their style. For that reason, they were never huge even though they released a ton of records over 18 years and had a murderer's row of later bluegrass royalty in the lineup - founder Sam Bush, Bela Fleck, John Cowan and Pat Flynn were the most stable core.

New Grass Revival - On The Boulevard


Sam Bush always had a soft spot for reggae - One Love is covered on this record - that follows him to this day.

Here's a song from a Sam Bush show I recorded 7 years ago. Taped in a hard, boomy room with mics about 40 feet back but also had a board feed that reels everything in pretty spectacularly. Enjoy this Sam Bush version of Billy Bob Marley...

Day 5: Social Distortion February 2001, 4th and B – This was the first time I saw Social Distortion after the death of founding member Dennis Dannell from a brain aneurysm at the way too young age of 38. Play something from a band with shifting lineups or that continued on after a founding members death.

If @imtheocean wants Social D, @imtheocean gets Social D.

Taped this in my favorite stealth spot at Amos' Southend. This one's pretty, pretty, pretty good. Fun intro to this ode to Mike's favorite city...

Social Distortion - Hard Times And Nursery Rhymes

Day 5 - Play something from a band with shifting lineups or that continued on after a founding members death.

One of many fantastic concerts I’ve been lucky to attend at this old quarry.

I don’t have the Ballbreaker album that they were touring back then, so the first album with Brian Johnson it is.

AC/DC - Back in Black

One @imtheocean will appreciate - Sand Rubies released the Neil Young song Interstate years before Neil did...

That was excellent, thank you.

Day 5: Social Distortion February 2001, 4th and B – This was the first time I saw Social Distortion after the death of founding member Dennis Dannell from a brain aneurysm at the way too young age of 38. Play something from a band with shifting lineups or that continued on after a founding members death.

If @imtheocean wants Social D, @imtheocean gets Social D.

Taped this in my favorite stealth spot at Amos' Southend. This one's pretty, pretty, pretty good. Fun intro to this ode to Mike's favorite city...

I've been through Bakersfield. I feel you Mike.
Day 5: Social Distortion February 2001, 4th and B – This was the first time I saw Social Distortion after the death of founding member Dennis Dannell from a brain aneurysm at the way too young age of 38. Play something from a band with shifting lineups or that continued on after a founding members death.

I saw Social D w/ Dennis a few times. The most memorable being a festival in downtown San Diego in the late 80's and losing my birkenstock in the mosh pit. I recognize thats an incredibly SoCal experience to have, and did find it after the set.

This particular album was released after Dennis's passing and is dedicated to him. Lots of references on loss and looking forward.

Social Distortion ~ Sex, Love and Rock 'n' Roll

Day 2: Chicago, November 1986 at Universal Amphitheater
Play something from an artist that you'd take a date to.

The National - Rome
We have gone to a lot of shows together over the past 18+ years as a couple. The first one (I think woulda been the 2006 Pitchfork Music Festival Chicago’s Union Park with my good friend and his girlfriend. One of the bands that preformed that weekend was The National a band that we both absolutely fell in love with via Alligator before we had met. While I couldn’t find any photos from the 2006 Pitchfork Music Festival I was able to pull up some from the 2009 fest (we went every year until we moved out west). The National played that year too a bit later in the evening than their first time. We have now seen them perform live 8 times (if you count them as openers and part of festivals) by far the most we’ve seen any group.

Here are the photos…
Pitchfork Music Festival  - Day 2 (25).jpeg
Pitchfork Music Festival  - Day 2 (49).jpeg

Pitchfork Music Festival  - Day 2 (69).jpeg
Day 5: Social Distortion February 2001, 4th and B – This was the first time I saw Social Distortion after the death of founding member Dennis Dannell from a brain aneurysm at the way too young age of 38. Play something from a band with shifting lineups or that continued on after a founding members death.

I guess I'll keep with the Social D.

Day 2: Chicago, November 1986 at Universal Amphitheater
Play something from an artist that you'd take a date to.

The National - Rome
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We have gone to a lot of shows together over the past 18+ years as a couple. The first one (I think woulda been the 2006 Pitchfork Music Festival Chicago’s Union Park with my good friend and his girlfriend. One of the bands that preformed that weekend was The National a band that we both absolutely fell in love with via Alligator before we had met. While I couldn’t find any photos from the 2006 Pitchfork Music Festival I was able to pull up some from the 2009 fest (we went every year until we moved out west). The National played that year too a bit later in the evening than their first time. We have now seen them perform live 8 times (if you count them as openers and part of festivals) by far the most we’ve seen any group.

Here are the photos…
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A nearly babyfaced TLK!!
I'm impressed with Lady TLK's beer consumption. She's a keeper for sure.
Ha!! Yeah, the festival had a tent where you could exchange plastic cups for prizes so she decided to start a beer snake to see how big of a prize she could get. Quite a few were ours but eventually people just start donating to the cause.

She ended up with a hoodie that features Darth Vader with a pair of hedge clippers doing some topiary sculpting of a bush into the shape of the Death Star. It’s still one of her faves.
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Day 3: The Samples, early 1990s at The Barn UC Riverside
Play an album from a band that has faded into obscurity.

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Broom

I still love Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin and with a name like that I would imagine most of you probably still remember them but perhaps you have thought about them recently. This was their self released debut and I saw them preform twice in Champaign, IL prior to them signing with Polyvinyl. The first time it was kind of a weird show at the Canopy Club. It was weird because it was on a week night but their were two separate events going on at the venue the first was an Andrew Bird show in the theater it was a great show, the first time I had ever seen him live and it was quite interesting all the stuff he was able to do with loops and pedals and whatnot but once that show ended around 11 PM, if you wanted to stick around, there was another show in the front lobby with the band Catfish Haven (another really cool and now even more obscure kinda bluesy garage band from Chicago who had recently signed with Secretly Canadian at the time) and opening for them was the then unsigned SSLYBY. It was a great night of music.

A couple months later I would then see SSLYBY play at another small club (The High Dive) in Champaign this time were opening for another band that a lot of people probably barely remember Deadboy & The Elephantmen. That was a fun show because after SSLYBY opening set I shared a few beers with the band while the headliner played their set. Anyways, they’re good guys and Broom is a great album.
Day 4: Prairie Home Companion November 1997, Fitzgerald Theater
Play some Bluegrass / folk or something that features spoken word.

Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy - Beware
Another Champaign (technically Urbana) show this time we saw Oldham preform at U of I’s Independent Media Center this was in 2009. It was a small show which added to the folksy charm of the performance. I actually purchased this album from the merch table at the show.