May 2020 Record Challenge Thread (PRIZE RAFFLE AT THE END!)

Day 3 - Jazz Sunday
Marco Sanguinetti - 8 (2013)


I don't like jazz. Maybe some day, but not now.
I don't have a lnice of jazz music, maybe two or three vinyl and a couple of CDs.
Marco Sanguinetti is an Argentinian pianist that makes jazz, but I kinda enjoy his music because it sounds like Radiohead. He also made a double album of covers of Radiohead. But when he writes his own songs, it sounds like Yorke & co.
Jazz Sunday
Howard Roberts / The Velvet Groove
Verve 1966
Wanted to pull something I haven’t listened to much. Got this at the Goodwill for a buck. Great guitarist. It’s quite pleasant, sounds like the cover would suggest. Turns out this guy was part of the Wrecking Crew and played guitar on many great TV theme songs like the Twilight Zone , The Munsters and a bunch of others.
Prepping for Day 4 and realizing that 1991 was monumental in music. I've got a lot of choices. Guess you don't always notice these things when you're in the middle of it, you just think it's great.
I was just thinking about this (well, probably over thinking it TBH), and I graduate High School in 2000 but I was in HS from 1999/2000 and most of the 2000 LPs I would choose came out after I graduated so I think I am gonna pick something the came out in 1999 that I actually listened to during my Senior year of High School.
I was just thinking about this (well, probably over thinking it TBH), and I graduate High School in 2000 but I was in HS from 1999/2000 and most of the 2000 LPs I would choose came out after I graduated so I think I am gonna pick something the came out in 1999 that I actually listened to during my Senior year of High School.
I'll probably do the same, but many were in that winter/spring of my Senior year.
Day 3: Jazz

Went with Louis Armstrong ~ Hello Dolly.

Doesn't get as much play as other albums, but it makes me smile when it does. My grandparents lived a few blocks from where Louis was buried in Flushing, NY, so we'd go visit his grave when I went to visit them, probably one of my earlier musical memories. They also told stories of going to local speakeasies during prohibition, and Jimmy Durante would stop by and play every once in awhile.


Day 3 jazz Sunday - Blossom Dearie
This is probably the closest thing I have to a jazz album, personally I don’t really care for jazz (unpopular opinion here, I know)
This was a wonderful PIF and is a great album I probably never would have heard of if not for this forum, which is exactly why I joined VMP in the beginning