OK, guys, good news, bad news. The bad news - the phono board on my Creek is fried. The good news is that it's time to invest in an outboard phono
. In the meantime I'm using my Quad Vena's phono stage and it sounds pretty good. Easy to tell the difference between recordings.
I read through all the posts about the
studiophono on this site. Seems its performance was eclipsed by other units at a similar pricepoint (e.g., Musical Fidelity). However, the studiophono would fit quite nicely in my rack. I wanted to get your input as to what the strengths of the studiophono were/are and where the other units improved upon it. I didn't quite see those details from the posts I read. I appreciate whatever you can share...oh, and if you happen to have heard an EAR 834P (same designer, Tim deP, as the studiophono)...are they really worth it? thx in advance...