Same, went a bit off the rails but at least it was a different twist. I did enjoy seeing him dressed as Tilda Swinton.third act didn’t work for me but man is Glen Powell having himself a time. Am I gonna see Twisters in 4DX? I might have to
$15 adult ticketI see numbers like this all the time on Reddit (where they're basically rooting on the death of movie theaters for some weird reason), and I don't get where they come from. Idk about SC or how much different it can be, but in Louisville (even less outside of town), movie tickets are like $12-$15 for adults and $8-10 for kids. You'd have to get like $50 in snacks.
Heck, when I ride solo and hit the discounted movie day, I still end up spending around $28 riding solo. If I went to an evening showing on an RPX screen it would probably be another $15.$15 adult ticket
$13 kid ticket
$13 kid ticket
$9 large popcorn
$6 small soda
$5 junior soda
$5 junior soda
+ $5 tax
Sorry I misremembered and guess I rounded up a bit.
I'm not rooting on the death of movie theaters. I'm just sad that it is so expensive to just go to the theater with my kids without sneaking in snacks or telling them they can't have any since that's part of the experience.
The American Psycho bit was very funny.Same, went a bit off the rails but at least it was a different twist. I did enjoy seeing him dressed as Tilda Swinton.
$15 adult ticket
$13 kid ticket
$13 kid ticket
$9 large popcorn
$6 small soda
$5 junior soda
$5 junior soda
+ $5 tax
Sorry I misremembered and guess I rounded up a bit.
I'm not rooting on the death of movie theaters. I'm just sad that it is so expensive to just go to the theater with my kids without sneaking in snacks or telling them they can't have any since that's part of the experience.
I almost never go above 20. I'll eat dinner before, pick up some candy from the dollar store, and bring my water bottle in. Maybe a small treat at the theater on occasion, but I'm there primarily for the movie.Heck, when I ride solo and hit the discounted movie day, I still end up spending around $28 riding solo. If I went to an evening showing on an RPX screen it would probably be another $15.
I mean that makes sense and that's what I would do by myself but my kids absolutely love the treat of getting a soda and popcorn and it is part of why they get excited to go to the theater.I almost never go above 20. I'll eat dinner before, pick up some candy from the dollar store, and bring my water bottle in. Maybe a small treat at the theater on occasion, but I'm there primarily for the movie.
Oh man, those prices are darn right cheap compared to the movie theaters by us. Cheapest soda was $11 last two different chains we tried in Atlanta (Regal and AMC). My wife was going to get a small popcorn, but that with the soda was $20 and it was $22 for the combo with the large popcorn. I don't need snacks in a movie, but she's the worst$15 adult ticket
$13 kid ticket
$13 kid ticket
$9 large popcorn
$6 small soda
$5 junior soda
$5 junior soda
+ $5 tax
Sorry I misremembered and guess I rounded up a bit.
I'm not rooting on the death of movie theaters. I'm just sad that it is so expensive to just go to the theater with my kids without sneaking in snacks or telling them they can't have any since that's part of the experience.
I can watch a movie in my recliner at home without some schmohawk coughing or fucking with his phone. When I go to the theater I am going for the full experience which includes concessions (popcorn and a soda). The only thing I occasionally sneak into the theater is a flask of whiskey so I can Irish up my Diet Coke.I almost never go above 20. I'll eat dinner before, pick up some candy from the dollar store, and bring my water bottle in. Maybe a small treat at the theater on occasion, but I'm there primarily for the movie.
This is the way.I can watch a movie in my recliner at home without some schmohawk coughing or fucking with his phone. When I go to the theater I am going for the full experience which includes concessions (popcorn and a soda). The only thing I occasionally sneak into the theater is a flask of whiskey so I can Irish up my Diet Coke.
I suffered that movie last week, so I feel your pain!I had the misfortune to watch the Meg 2 yesterday- so bad it made me and 2 cats fall asleep for most of it
Summer movie recommendations?
My wife does not understand my love of Tremors and I don't understand how she doesn't love that masterpiece.You should compile a Letterboxd list!
The Sound of Summer (French/Japanese cicada body horror)
Soooo many Ghiblis (as many have already mentioned)
Horror in the High Desert & HitHD: Minerva
The Endless
The Outwaters
Ava (2017)
Summer of 84
I've been fixated on doing pretty much the exact opposite of what you're asking for with my growing Winter Horror list. (It's the Wisconsinite in me.)
Yuletide Holiday Horrors & Chilly Winter Thrills
When the weather outside is frightful, stay inside where it's (hopefully) safer than whatever's happening on screen in any of these spine-chilling, snow-laden winter horror movies and thrillers. Need a new seasonally appropriate genre watch? Hit "Shuffle" in the Sort By dropdown above and
She's thinking too hard! Tremors is love.My wife does not understand my love of Tremors and I don't understand how she doesn't love that masterpiece.
My parents have always been super cheap and we never got popcorn, candy or drinks at the movies. To this day, I don't really get any of that when I go unless my wife and I go together and she always needs all of it.I mean that makes sense and that's what I would do by myself but my kids absolutely love the treat of getting a soda and popcorn and it is part of why they get excited to go to the theater.
This one and the first one are a total blast. Just old school adventure filmmaking and Verbinski has a real knack for the insane, kinetic, practical setpieces that make them so much fun.Pirates Of The Caribbean
Davy Jones is awesome, Will is annoying, movie could use a little trimming.
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