N&G AoTM /// Vol. 66 - December 2024 /// The Tragically Hip – Up To Here

So, we're a Canadian band (Keanu / Michael Cera).
We're a 5 piece.
There was a 1972 jail break at Millhaven featured.
The Tragically Hip had a version of their song Courage on the (canadian) film The Sweet Hereafter.
It's a Good Life if You Don't Weaken is on the Hip album Yer Favourites.
The Tragically Hip opened for Page Plant in 1995...

No idea what's up with Graham. Or Jumper?

The actors in bands misdirect with Keanu and Cera was too damn good to pass up, but the Canadian bit was definitely the key.

The Chris Evert photo being from the same year as the Millhaven jailbreak is a deliciously unplanned coincidence. Very cool!

Having 2 tennis-related clues was also unplanned, and I didn't really realize it until after I'd posted the Kris Demeanor video as an "unofficial" clue
  • Kris breaks from the song partway through for an extended and wildly entertaining spoken improv before returning to the song - something Gord Downie was well renowned for.
  • Kris Demeanor and Gord Downie are both recognized and celebrated as poets as well as musicians (Kris is a former Poet Laureate of Calgary)
The Hip song "Ahead By A Century" was part of the soundtrack for Jumper.

The Joan Rivers and Kat Graham I knew would be the hardest to link (and I expected Chris Evert to be too!), which is why I wanted to start with them and then open it up a bit from there. I suspected It's a Good Life if You Don't Weaken would be the one to blow things open.

Up To Here was released on September 5, 1989; these three things also happened:
  • The Joan Rivers Show premiered on US television.
  • Chris Evert played her final U.S. Open match (and lost to Zina Garrison)
  • Kat Graham was born

I'll get a more proper write-up on the album and why I chose it sometime over the next week or so. Meanwhile, I apologize for it not being as readily available at US retailers as I expected it to be. It is, however, readily available directly through their website:

Don't let the numbers scare you TOO badly. Our dollar is weak. Last time I checked and did the conversion it was looking like it would come to just under $35 USD to order and ship -- still a little on the steeper side than I'd hoped... but also totally worth it.

I'd hoped to be able to direct people to @Ethos99 for purchasing, but they only have the recently released deluxe anniversary box set available (I'm hoping my copy arrives today, in fact!)

It was super fun to see the guesses that came through - thanks y'all!

More soon.
The actors in bands misdirect with Keanu and Cera was too damn good to pass up, but the Canadian bit was definitely the key.

The Chris Evert photo being from the same year as the Millhaven jailbreak is a deliciously unplanned coincidence. Very cool!

Having 2 tennis-related clues was also unplanned, and I didn't really realize it until after I'd posted the Kris Demeanor video as an "unofficial" clue
  • Kris breaks from the song partway through for an extended and wildly entertaining spoken improv before returning to the song - something Gord Downie was well renowned for.
  • Kris Demeanor and Gord Downie are both recognized and celebrated as poets as well as musicians (Kris is a former Poet Laureate of Calgary)
The Hip song "Ahead By A Century" was part of the soundtrack for Jumper.

The Joan Rivers and Kat Graham I knew would be the hardest to link (and I expected Chris Evert to be too!), which is why I wanted to start with them and then open it up a bit from there. I suspected It's a Good Life if You Don't Weaken would be the one to blow things open.

Up To Here was released on September 5, 1989; these three things also happened:
  • The Joan Rivers Show premiered on US television.
  • Chris Evert played her final U.S. Open match (and lost to Zina Garrison)
  • Kat Graham was born

I'll get a more proper write-up on the album and why I chose it sometime over the next week or so. Meanwhile, I apologize for it not being as readily available at US retailers as I expected it to be. It is, however, readily available directly through their website:

Don't let the numbers scare you TOO badly. Our dollar is weak. Last time I checked and did the conversion it was looking like it would come to just under $35 USD to order and ship -- still a little on the steeper side than I'd hoped... but also totally worth it.

I'd hoped to be able to direct people to @Ethos99 for purchasing, but they only have the recently released deluxe anniversary box set available (I'm hoping my copy arrives today, in fact!)

It was super fun to see the guesses that came through - thanks y'all!

More soon.
I was gonna make a joke about it being $175 but you already have seen that. Note to us here in the US, it’s not there if you go to the US shop either and then cookies and what not make it hard to get back to the Canadialand site.

I now am waiting on the last three rotm to come to me (@Hemotep i had to order a tape of yours)
I'll try and swing by my local and see if there are any copies there I can snap up and send off at cost as well. Sounds like their site may be more of a pain than intended. Stupid invisible line.
I'll try and swing by my local and see if there are any copies there I can snap up and send off at cost as well. Sounds like their site may be more of a pain than intended. Stupid invisible line.
Really not, I was just warning people that they SHOULD pick Maple drinkers shop.
Steep discounts on some other Tragically Hip titles from Universal Canada right now:

Both Yer Favourites volumes are marked down from $69.99 CAD to $27.99 CAD

Fully Conpletely box set down from $199.99 CAD to $79.99 CAD

Road Apples box set down from $277.99 CAD to $166.99 CAD

Steep discounts on some other Tragically Hip titles from Universal Canada right now:

Both Yer Favourites volumes are marked down from $69.99 CAD to $27.99 CAD

Fully Conpletely box set down from $199.99 CAD to $79.99 CAD

Road Apples box set down from $277.99 CAD to $166.99 CAD

First time I've seen Yer Favourites available anywhere for less than $59.99 CAD!

Sounds great!
Tragically, I don't think I have known about this band before now. I really dig the style of rock they put out. Glad to have the Needles and Grooves Club to highlight bands like this!

As I was waiting for the record to arrive, I tried to be hip to come up with a cocktail. Never had rose hips before, so it seemed fitting to pair it up. I came up with a bourbon, rose hip tea, tragic fashioned. Turned out nice!
Hey so this is what i got from the family for my birthday! This book is amazing. Like the documentary but with even more information and photos. Looking forward to digging into it.

View attachment 219770

I've had this since release day but it got backed away for a renovation almost immediately—I haven't even cracked the plastic yet. Looking forward to it, for sure.

Great choice, family! 💜
The Hip are a very, very big deal to me. I love learning about their songs, diving into their history, and sharing their music with people. I especially love when I meet a Canadian here in Connecticut and ask them what their favorite Hip song is; they always light up like a pinball machine for such a discussion.
Fantastic pick, and I look forward to getting my own copy :)
The Hip are a very, very big deal to me. I love learning about their songs, diving into their history, and sharing their music with people. I especially love when I meet a Canadian here in Connecticut and ask them what their favorite Hip song is; they always light up like a pinball machine for such a discussion.
Fantastic pick, and I look forward to getting my own copy :)

I have all sorts of questions for you, but I'll send them off later.

My apologies on not getting a write-up done just yet for anybody who may be waiting. I'll try to get one down tonight. Between getting sick, the kids, a reno, and unplanned trip to the mainland and general lifeyness, I've been rather scattered—moreso than usual!

We also need to figure out the future (or if there is one) for N&G's AOTMs. I've shit the bed on polling and trolling for that as well. Again, my apologies.