N&G Secret Santa

Dear Santa,
You should probably ignore my "wantlist." All that stuff is out of my price range (as well as the price range stipulations of this program) and I basically wait for things to come within a certain price range before I jump on them.
I enjoy personal touches so if I am missing something that has particular meaning for you then... honestly, I look forward to sharing that with you :)

Dear Santee,
Ho. Ly. CRAP.
I've got some research to do...
Dear santa, please send me a record. I don't have the equipment for CDs, cassettes, or mini-discs at the moment, because apparently I am a hipster. ;)

Otherwise, have fun. Discogs, educated guesses, or something you are passionate about are great. A lot of pop is often a long shot for me, but it is up to you.
Dear Santa,

If you have not gotten for me yet, I wanted to add that my want list, to paraphrase one of my favorite movies, is "more of a set of guidelines". I honestly am into so many different genres of music so if you want to add a suggestion to my collection that would be awesome as well. I think if you did that would make it more special in my eyes and ears. Forgot to add that in my last message :D


This might be the most obvious thing ever (cough..secret'...cough) but is the idea that we let the Santee know its from us? Like is their an unveiling at some point or are we free to pop a Christmas note in the package? Or is it best to keep it all hush hush?
This might be the most obvious thing ever (cough..secret'...cough) but is the idea that we let the Santee know its from us? Like is their an unveiling at some point or are we free to pop a Christmas note in the package? Or is it best to keep it all hush hush?

I like to give a note if possible (might be difficult with transatlantic and so ordering direct from the shop) and drop little hints but not outright say lol.
This might be the most obvious thing ever (cough..secret'...cough) but is the idea that we let the Santee know its from us? Like is their an unveiling at some point or are we free to pop a Christmas note in the package? Or is it best to keep it all hush hush?
I always let the person know it was me after they put the picture up in the thread. Will have to do it this way as I’m sending stuff direct from the seller this year.