N&G Secret Santa

A couple ruminations;

I have a few records I know certain members would like to have and if I were to match with them I would want to gift them. My actual costs a couple decades ago were maybe $20 but replacement/cogs cost might be over $100. Am I violating the spirit of the cost limit to gift those records?

Also, how important are want lists? For me not very at all. Clearly if I get something from a list I won’t be torn up but if someone studied my collection and made an astute, thoughtful, heartfelt pick to fill a spot I would find more spirit of Christmas in that gesture.

A couple ruminations;

I have a few records I know certain members would like to have and if I were to match with them I would want to gift them. My actual costs a couple decades ago were maybe $20 but replacement/cogs cost might be over $100. Am I violating the spirit of the cost limit to gift those records?

Also, how important are want lists? For me not very at all. Clearly if I get something from a list I won’t be torn up but if someone studied my collection and made an astute, thoughtful, heartfelt pick to fill a spot I would find more spirit of Christmas in that gesture.

I don’t even have a wantlist, so whoever gets matched up with me would have to do the collection study.

Shit, should I make a wantlist?
Hmm, I really like the idea of studying the collection, but it makes me feel like I should delist some stuff like my extensive Jimmy Buffet and Billy Joel collections that I got along with my dad and father in law's collections that I haven't bothered trimming down. 😆
A couple ruminations;

I have a few records I know certain members would like to have and if I were to match with them I would want to gift them. My actual costs a couple decades ago were maybe $20 but replacement/cogs cost might be over $100. Am I violating the spirit of the cost limit to gift those records?

Also, how important are want lists? For me not very at all. Clearly if I get something from a list I won’t be torn up but if someone studied my collection and made an astute, thoughtful, heartfelt pick to fill a spot I would find more spirit of Christmas in that gesture.

People will hopefully tell you in the form how important a want-list is. I've never made one and also never used them for buying records either.

The other thing is a bit borderline. As we posted at the top if you're good forum friends with people we can't stop you from going over. But it kind of sucks when some people get like 5 awesome records and then other people follow the guidelines and get 1-2 records. It makes both the person giving and receiving the 'standard' feel kind of crappy. And it also deters people from participating in the future if they think that the 'standard' is actually higher than stated.
I'm in

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aparently i have been an amazing secret santa over the last 2 years (giving the microphones, janelle monae, little richard, albert king, and solange)

my secret is looking through sites like last.fm for similar artists and now when i find the artist i will go on rym for the best album for them
I'm a list-aholic, but that's mostly for me. Not that I would mind anything off my list, but I'm very open to things outside my list as well. I guess if you stick to the guidelines, give or take a little, and do a little research (Current collection, posts, etc.) you should be able to get a pretty good idea of what the recipient would enjoy. That being said, I know others, myself included, have had our eyes and ears opened to new artists due to the members on this forum, so expanding those catalogs is always another way to go about it.........again, it'll take a little research.

Most importantly, for both the giver and receiver, don't lose site of the spirit this is all intended for ;)
Will there by chance be a thread where members can post amended wantlist info/etc or will it be limited to only what we wrote in the sign up sheet?
woww, yyess!!! I will finally participate this year!!! tbh, I don't know why i never did the previous years, but w.e. i will redeem myself this holiday season!! :)))

i guess i'll have to make an amazon wishlist bc i use my discogs wishlist to keep track of difficult finds, so the only things there are either oos or at least $50.

Santa avi is here.

View attachment 21644

You can add a santa hat to your avi in ms paint with this hat here

View attachment 21645

thank u for the hat pic, i have added it to my avatar now.