Needles & Grooves AoTM /// Vol. 1 - July 2019 Lou Reed - The Blue Mask

@debianlinux I am super curious as to why this prompted an angry response. Am I being naive and it means something bad?
Hey, cool, you noticed. We need the eye rolling guy for likes. This was supposed to be like when someone tells a bad joke and you get that huffy face like I can’t believe you just wasted my time with that or more like I was really hoping for a better punch line and it seems you think that is funnier than I do and I wish maybe I got it at your level but I can’t. Surely you know that situation. I think the angry smiley for likes is just so damned weird and I finally had a chance to use it so I did.
Hey, cool, you noticed. We need the eye rolling guy for likes. This was supposed to be like when someone tells a bad joke and you get that huffy face like I can’t believe you just wasted my time with that or more like I was really hoping for a better punch line and it seems you think that is funnier than I do and I wish maybe I got it at your level but I can’t. Surely you know that situation. I think the angry smiley for likes is just so damned weird and I finally had a chance to use it so I did.
Haha, no problem. I absolutely love the camp of that song for some reason. Totally understand the eye-roll response from someone else. Do you think Andy would have appreciated it?
That song Women is strangely cringey but then not.
He has a weird of the top of the head style of unedited lyrics on The Blue Mask.

Some of it works but then some is just awkward. It kind of charming though. Like you are just hanging out in his head for a bit.
The only song that seemed to fall flat to me was the JFK one. It definitely wasn't a focused listen, though as I was working when I put the album on.
That’s the schtick of the Belfast tour guides (especially the black taxi tours). Which is of course complete nonsense. They ham it up for the tourists and every street corner is deadly. Or at least that was the schtick of the tour guides, now it all relates to Winterfell and Jon Snow.
I mean it is shit and it isn’t in the same way. I was just having the conversation today that every day started with checking the news to see if you knew or were related to who was shot the night before. It was a crazy time no mistake.
It worked out as a phone number but was a random coordinate for you to decipher.

A joke gone wrong. Unless you ring and get Tony De Action’s pizzeria
hello there, it's uncle Vito here....
what? do you want pineapple on your pizza?
are you fucking crazy? I'll deliver the pizza to you myself and I'll sacrifice you personally to the gods of the pomodoro salsa for the sacrilege you are requesting!!!
what? oh, wrong number you say?
ah, ok.
hello there, it's uncle Vito here....
what? do you want pineapple on your pizza?
are you fucking crazy? I'll deliver the pizza to you myself and I'll sacrifice you personally to the gods of the pomodoro salsa for the sacrilege you are requesting!!!
what? oh, wrong number you say?
ah, ok.

@panino what is the worse crime?

The incorrect use of panini in the singular or pineapple on a pizza?

Also what toppings are acceptable?
In our house when we have pizza delivered (probably about twice a month) we get a round with pepperoni and a square (Detroit style) with bacon and pineapple. It's from a small independent place in the neighborhood called Main Street Pizza. and it's excellent. My town has a lot of the main chains too, but this place has a great business going...hopefully they can keep it up.

Also, I'm woefully behind on checking this thread. Is it Lou Reed?