Needles & Grooves AoTM /// Vol. 16 - October 2020 /// WH Lung Incidental Music

Ok im pretty shit at guessing - but I think I might be able to piece this together now. Ive not gone uber levels of craziness here...
I will leave it alone for a bit.
I do have a couple of final day pointers for sure tho (i just cant beleive Im gonna need em.
I was holding out for

Right... so Bewitched (other than fighting like their dads).. Back when I was doing my a-levels Megabowl in newcastle used to run a bowl all day for a fiver thing so rather than study on Thursday's me ad a load of mates used to sack it off and go bowling instead. One of the lads loved C'est La Vie and had the single on CD in his car. Anyway, one day in the middle of a bowling and Wimpy burger session someone broke it to his car and pinched his stereo... but they somehow managed to eject his C'est La Vie single first and left it on his car seat before buggering off with his radio. Thats how shit Bewitched were!

Happened 22 year ago and it's still funny!
I was so tempted to pick Definitely Maybe, i was half “bring on the shitstorm” and half “they’re going to evicerate me for this” 😂😂😂
What I have noticed from this is just how many choices I couldnt do _ just simply down to availability globally.
Also Id have loved to hit them with Mars Voltas
Deloused at the Crematorium - But even i cant pick that one up.
Back to work. What we know is that it's a mixed band from the UK (probably Manchester - Happy Mondays & 808 State clues) and they released the AotM in the last decade. Three queens might mean there are three girls in the band and it's not The Corrs (which is particularly sad). Charity and Mistery clues need to be cracked.
Back to work. What we know is that it's a mixed band from the UK (probably Manchester - Happy Mondays & 808 State clues) and they released the AotM in the last decade. Three queens might mean there are three girls in the band and it's not The Corrs (which is particularly sad). Charity and Mistery clues need to be cracked.

I can’t recall why i posted that Charity clue now .... Don’t let it sidetrack you.
Edit: oh yeah - and above still applies