Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 47 - May 2023 /// Ages and Ages "Me You They We"

There’s a Swedish bikini team?
You are older than me, your dad must not have taken you to a friends garage so he could drink and hide out from your mom while using you as cover. Growing up, my Pop’s best bud, Tom had a mean cocker spaniel named Toby which prevented me from playing in his backyard. He also had a garage with about every 1980s beer promo cut out and poster you could think hanging about his garage. Spud McKenzie, Elvira, The Swedish Bikini Team, etc. etc. I must of spent hours staring at those images while they talked about fishing, sports, and bitched about their wives.

Maybe that’s why I’ve always been partial to Budweiser?

Anyways the Swedish Bikini Team…
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