Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 47 - May 2023 /// Ages and Ages "Me You They We"

Also: the band is very excited to meet you guys. They had band practice last night (working on a new album!) and signed a copy of the AOTM for the winner of this guess thread!

I'm also working with them to try to figure out an easy way to subsidize international shipping costs. The album itself is affordably priced and shipping within the US is reasonable, so I want to make sure that anyone here who wants the album isn't deterred by shipping.

I hope you guys will love the AOTM as much as I do! I'd assumed that this band was much more well-known, but I've been asking friends (who aren't on here) about the band and it seems like many folks may be unfamiliar with them.

More to come when the time is right....
Official AOTM guess: Unknown Mortal Orchestra - Sex & Food

I'd guess their most recent V, but I bet there are plenty of copies of it. But then again there are FIVE levels of clues, so I'm most likely wrong here.

They're currently based in Portland
They have at least 5 members
They harmonize
Are known to play the piano
They are alive.
This is a quality is wrong.
