Needles & Grooves AoTM /// Vol. 9 - March 2020 /// X-Ray Spex - Germfree Adolescents

So many questions, so few worthwhile questions.

Where are they from?
Name an artist they’ve influenced?
How old is this album?
Etc etc etc

Feel free to answer or wait or whatever, I’m just talking to myself out loud...
I didn't know that! I always wondered why they were so overlooked.

yeah for most of the 90s. A lot of blur’s gloomiest album, 13, was Damon doing a bit of wallowing in self pity after they split up!

Because of the relationship, the fact that he did a bit of work on the album and, of course, good old fashioned sexism there were a lot of ridiculous rumours being spread in the English music press that this was one of his great side projects and that he had secretly written all the songs and that his girlfriend was just a front. It wasn’t very nice.