Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

Two of my co-workers left on what definitely now seems to have been an ill advised trip to Peru on Saturday. On Sunday, Peru announced it would shut down its borders Monday, until at least the 31st. They were unable to get travel back to Lima to get a flight out in time. So, they are stuck until at least then. One of them is pretty new and probably doesn't have much PTO. Crazy.

Edit: it was not a work related trip.
Update on this:

The embassy was able to get them on a flight out yesterday, so they made it back. Our company is asking them to self-quarantine at home for two weeks before coming in. They should be able to work from home, hopefully.
I was on an HOA board for a while - difficult & thankless job, and you get to experience the worst vitriol of your neighbors directed at you, when you are required to notify them if they are in violation. If you don't have a pool or clubhouse, your dues are probably going towards water & electric bills for any common greenbelt/park areas near your neighborhood, as well as paying the landscapers, and for snow removal possibly.

With these RV/quarantine situations, the boards need to use common sense and issue a "stay of enforcement" for a while. Just like some cities are suspending evictions and utility shutoffs for the time being. A lot of HOA boards are pretty hands-off, however, and just let the management company run on auto-pilot, so nobody has told them to put a pause on enforcement.

I just posted the HOA and RV/quarantine situations on an other forum which is primarily made up of boomers that do live in HOAs.

Basically the overwhelming number of replies I got were like "I fail to see the issue here. The rules state you can not park a RV/Trailer at your home. It is the HOA boards job to issue notices of violations. These people are knowingly breaking the HOA rules and should expect to pay the fines."
I just posted the HOA and RV/quarantine situations on an other forum which is primarily made up of boomers that do live in HOAs.

Basically the overwhelming number of replies I got were like "I fail to see the issue here. The rules state you can not park a RV/Trailer at your home. It is the HOA boards job to issue notices of violations. These people are knowingly breaking the HOA rules and should expect to pay the fines."

Petty fucking tyrants, I tell ya.
I just posted the HOA and RV/quarantine situations on an other forum which is primarily made up of boomers that do live in HOAs.

Basically the overwhelming number of replies I got were like "I fail to see the issue here. The rules state you can not park a RV/Trailer at your home. It is the HOA boards job to issue notices of violations. These people are knowingly breaking the HOA rules and should expect to pay the fines."
HOAs are dumb. Never been happier to not have one.
I just posted the HOA and RV/quarantine situations on an other forum which is primarily made up of boomers that do live in HOAs.

Basically the overwhelming number of replies I got were like "I fail to see the issue here. The rules state you can not park a RV/Trailer at your home. It is the HOA boards job to issue notices of violations. These people are knowingly breaking the HOA rules and should expect to pay the fines."
Wow... like, yeah, if we weren't IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC I would agree, but come on... Many more people may be losing jobs, their family getting sick, and who knows what else in the coming months. Punitive measures are not the answer right now.
Do they not have a clause that provides exceptions in emergency situations?

What if the police or fire department park a command station RV? They get ticketed?
Here is a quote from Dr. Fauci from Sanjay Gupta's podcast.

It sounds like COVID-19 is targeting that really affects some people much more than others. And we don't know why that is yet.

I've just heard this on CNN as well. I haven't heard such thing by any other specialist in Europe.

Petty fucking tyrants, I tell ya.
Very true that some people get on HOA boards with an agenda (or worse - use it for petty personal vendettas against particular neighbors). Some states have stronger protections and recourse for homeowners who have to fight this kind of stuff than others, I think. Will be interesting to see if states do anything to prevent this type of enforcement, especially if more stories like these start popping up.
Do they not have a clause that provides exceptions in emergency situations?

What if the police or fire department park a command station RV? They get ticketed?
The restrictions are usually about parking/storing RVs or boats in your driveway or backyard. City/county/state laws allowing emergency vehicles to park wherever they need to would override any HOA rules.
I saw on the Twitter last night that it’s not only bats that are likely responsible for the species jump and it probably had help for this cool AF animal that unfortunately shares like 98% of its DNA with humans. Nature is fucking amazing and horrifying all at once.
