Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

I have yet to figure out why anyone would EVER buy a house in a neighborhood with a HOA. I'm sorry, but you are not going to tell me what I can do in my house, park in my driveway or anything else related to my activities on my property as long as they are legal.

In North Carolina in the Charlotte suburb my aunt lives in you have your choice of HOAs. Every neighborhood has an HOA. You can't buy a house that's not part of a HOA. Some parts of our country are like that.
I have yet to figure out why anyone would EVER buy a house in a neighborhood with a HOA. I'm sorry, but you are not going to tell me what I can do in my house, park in my driveway or anything else related to my activities on my property as long as they are legal.

All new development in my area have HOA's. I was lucky enough to buy a house in one that has been around since the early days and has more relaxed rules. It's basically so we can fund the community pool/swim team. Which I use regularly in the summer.
I have yet to figure out why anyone would EVER buy a house in a neighborhood with a HOA. I'm sorry, but you are not going to tell me what I can do in my house, park in my driveway or anything else related to my activities on my property as long as they are legal.
If you live in a very competitive housing market, it is pretty rare to have the option of holding out for a non-HOA neighborhood. Luckily mine is pretty hands off and doesn't do much enforcing of rules that I have noticed. I still have to pay them $100 a year for...something.

Most new ones around here are insane though. My friends lived in one that had detailed drawing specifications for their fence picket size and spacing. Of course the size wasn't the normal dog ears available at Home Depot, just from the contractor that they dealt with.
As @Dtknuckles said, they are very common with newer neighborhoods.

In New England we don't have many because much of the housing and neighbor hoods are old. You only really see HOA's when a farmer sells his land and a developer comes in.

Don't get me started with the Mello Roos tax (SP?) also. If we wouldn't have found our current house we would have payed the same mortgage with half the house. I am having to invest a lot more in this house because it's older.
Our last house was in an HOA neighborhood. It wasn't a huge deal - not sure where the money went, tho.

A few times we got letters on our door letting us know something needed changing. One was that we had issues with our sprinkler system and the grass was dying. They didn't like that.

When we were looking to move we were looking a older home with a basement, so that meant not new construction and no HOA's. We lucked out as this house in technically outside city limits but within the urban growth boundary.

We only pay county taxes - not city, that saves us a couple grand a year.
I was on an HOA board for a while - difficult & thankless job, and you get to experience the worst vitriol of your neighbors directed at you, when you are required to notify them if they are in violation. If you don't have a pool or clubhouse, your dues are probably going towards water & electric bills for any common greenbelt/park areas near your neighborhood, as well as paying the landscapers, and for snow removal possibly.

With these RV/quarantine situations, the boards need to use common sense and issue a "stay of enforcement" for a while. Just like some cities are suspending evictions and utility shutoffs for the time being. A lot of HOA boards are pretty hands-off, however, and just let the management company run on auto-pilot, so nobody has told them to put a pause on enforcement.
Some do...if they don't need hospitalization. The rest get admitted to a floor/unit. We treat them as being positive until the test comes back. A lot of PPE is wasted in the days waiting for the test to come back negative.

These new tests that only take minutes will be really nice to finally see in use.

Aren’t they in there with a buck of people who aren’t or are positive. Seems a little risky to me.
Our last house was in an HOA neighborhood. It wasn't a huge deal - not sure where the money went, tho.

A few times we got letters on our door letting us know something needed changing. One was that we had issues with our sprinkler system and the grass was dying. They didn't like that.

When we were looking to move we were looking a older home with a basement, so that meant not new construction and no HOA's. We lucked out as this house in technically outside city limits but within the urban growth boundary.

We only pay county taxes - not city, that saves us a couple grand a year.

Landscaping is an issue in the California Native gardening community. There is a tendency to classify a lot of plants as "weeds" when they are not. Just because they aren't neatly cut and green all year round doesn't mean they are weeds. The local birds, bees, and butteries need their food sources also.
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So my wife, who is an Optometrist, was telling me about COVID and lightly pink eyes a few weeks ago. Seems to be one of these early (and sometimes even only) symptoms people get in some cases, kind of like loss of taste/smell. Might also be more prevalent than we think based on evidence from those in the field.

I noticed Chris Cuomo had the pink eyes when he was broadcasting from home yesterday.

So my wife, who is an Optometrist, was telling me about COVID and lightly pink eyes a few weeks ago. Seems to be one of these early (and sometimes even only) symptoms people get in some cases, kind of like loss of taste/smell. Might also be more prevalent than we think based on evidence from those in the field.

I noticed Chris Cuomo had the pink eyes when he was broadcasting from home yesterday.

So its basically that South Park Halloween episode
There is all sorts of weird legalities for us (Psychologists) legal is still trying to figure it out.

Our state says one thing and the feds say another. We all have to make good faith attempts to deliver services. I wonder what my own kid’s speech services are gonna look like.

Same questions are being asked for her too. What if a child injures themselves while participating inthese telehealth videos? Or a parent who is assisting? My wife already comes home with a sore back most days even with proper lifting technique because kids like to flail and become dead weight at a moments notice, even if they're just playing around. A parent with less formal training who is not used to, for example, doing yoga with their child could easily get injured. Does that fall on the school/therapists for lack of instruction for the parents? There are a lot of lawsuit happy people out there who I imagine are salivating at the thought. I think it's a bad idea all around.
Same questions are being asked for her too. What if a child injures themselves while participating inthese telehealth videos? Or a parent who is assisting? My wife already comes home with a sore back most days even with proper lifting technique because kids like to flail and become dead weight at a moments notice, even if they're just playing around. A parent with less formal training who is not used to, for example, doing yoga with their child could easily get injured. Does that fall on the school/therapists for lack of instruction for the parents? There are a lot of lawsuit happy people out there who I imagine are salivating at the thought. I think it's a bad idea all around.
The big issue for us is when doing group sessions, kids can record them without us knowing.
Here is a quote from Dr. Fauci from Sanjay Gupta's podcast.

It sounds like COVID-19 is targeting that really affects some people much more than others. And we don't know why that is yet.

This is an unusual disease. I’m fascinated, Sanjay, by what I would call the pathogenesis. You know, you get so many people who do well and then some people who just bingo, they’re on a respirator, they’re on ECMO and they’re dead. I mean, the dichotomy between that, there’s something there, Sanjay, that we’re missing from a pathogenesis standpoint. And I don’t think it’s only if you’re elderly or if you have underlying conditions. There’s something else going on here that hopefully we’ll ultimately figure out.