Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

Not forever, but maybe until the whole population is eligible for vaccination?

I know it feels this way in some places, but I just got my second dose Friday. I won't be fully vaccinated for 2 weeks, and I signed up for an appointment the day I was eligible. I know vaccines are easy to get in many places (moreso in places with low interest), but not everywhere, and many of the most vulnerable communities have the least access. It is too early to claim that everyone who wants it has it by now. A lot of younger people weren't even eligible until very recently. And no one under 16 is eligible yet. Children make up 20% of new cases (of course their proportion will naturally increase as adults are vaccinated).

The new CDC guidelines prioritize privileged folks and anti-maskers.
yes, agreed. I wasn't necessarily positing that I agree with the moves being made this second, and I'm still wearing masks indoors in public- for the sake of employees comfort and to help reinforce the idea for the gen pop.

I mean that this plateau is approaching, and, when that time comes, I'm not really sure what else to do. my state is hitting the line already in rural and urban areas. I understand that this is not nation or worldwide, or inclusive of all age groups.
Massachusetts is going to allow all businesses to fully reopen on May 29th. The states emergency declaration will end on June 5th.

In response to the news late yesterday, this is the number one thing trending on Twitter.

"It's going to be a hot girl summer".

I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean, but my guess is it's time to get your party on / club.
Massachusetts is going to allow all businesses to fully reopen on May 29th. The states emergency declaration will end on June 5th.

In response to the news late yesterday, this is the number one thing trending on Twitter.

"It's going to be a hot girl summer".

I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean, but my guess is it's time to get your party on / club.

In holding to my unwritten agreement to pretend that certain parties don’t exist, I won’t quote them. But I was reminded of something that was posted a few days back about the politicization of all this when I saw this meme.
Look at the folks clinging to masks in light of the cdc’s updated directives regarding masking.
I mean.. is that really much of an issue? I'm vaccinated but I'll probably keep wearing masks (by my own discretion) in public spaces out of an abundance of caution for a bit longer at least. Even then, wearing masks SHOULD become commonplace when you're sick and in public anyway.

I think equivocating those who continue to wear masks out of caution, and those who don't even believe masks work is a miss.
I'm vaccinated and I'll wear masks if the businesses I frequent ask me to. Or if my kids' school asks me to. If a place doesn't require it, like when I went out to the Rangers game, I don't wear it. Masks continue to be politicized because people weirdly see it as some sort of infringement on their rights.
I'm vaccinated and I'll wear masks if the businesses I frequent ask me to. Or if my kids' school asks me to. If a place doesn't require it, like when I went out to the Rangers game, I don't wear it. Masks continue to be politicized because people weirdly see it as some sort of infringement on their rights.
Or a virtue signal to declare a team.

Regardless, it’s dumb.
In holding to my unwritten agreement to pretend that certain parties don’t exist, I won’t quote them. But I was reminded of something that was posted a few days back about the politicization of all this when I saw this meme.
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Couldn't mask requirements in the past be about a conservative public health approach to limit the spread of virus containing aerosols and the removing of those requirements be about economics?

Is there a reason both things couldn't be true?
Couldn't mask requirements in the past be about a conservative public health approach to limit the spread of virus containing aerosols and the removing of those requirements be about economics?

Is there a reason both things couldn't be true?
That could be the case, but it isn’t. There’s a really strong data set that says the masks aren’t needed for the vaccinated. Hell, they were never needed outside.
That could be the case, but it isn’t. There’s a really strong data set that says the masks aren’t needed for the vaccinated. Hell, they were never needed outside.

and aren't there plenty of people who are not vaccinated but working in office spaces or indoors in general where aerosols are more likely to be trapped in cubicles or other enclosed spaces.

I get lifting the mask mandates outdoors. I get the economic reasons to do so indoors. I just don't think that public health is the reason for these current decisions
I guess. If you were far enough away from other individuals to not come in contact with their aerosols.
There is not a single documented case of casual outdoor contact transmission in the world. All cases of outdoor transmission contained either prolonged close contact or an indoor element.
and aren't there plenty of people who are not vaccinated but working in office spaces or indoors in general where aerosols are more likely to be trapped in cubicles or other enclosed spaces.

I get lifting the mask mandates outdoors. I get the economic reasons to do so indoors. I just don't think that public health is the reason for these current decisions
So, what you’re saying is you’re fine with being the arm on the right. Every single post you’re making just confirms the point being made by that meme.
That could be the case, but it isn’t. There’s a really strong data set that says the masks aren’t needed for the vaccinated. Hell, they were never needed outside.
Whether this is true or not, some people are choosing to continue wearing them because it makes them feel anxious to not do so at the moment. I think assuming all of them are doing it as a political statement is very cynical and certainly incorrect. Laughing at and criticizing people for continuing to use safety equipment that has no downside to them or any others because you personally are convinced it is not necessary is weird imo. Like calling someone an idiot for wearing a life jacket that can swim. Sure maybe they probably don't need it, but if it makes them feel better, so what?

Choosing to use protective or preventive equipment that is not explicitly recommended as "necessary" is a complete false equivalency to doing the opposite. Taking additional precaution will never be similar to ignoring recommended precautions.
So, what you’re saying is you’re fine with being the arm on the right. Every single post you’re making just confirms the point being made by that meme.

I just don't understand the meme or the point of it. I'm not associated with either arm and I'm not sure why the arm on the right is a negative I guess.

There is not a single documented case of casual outdoor contact transmission in the world. All cases of outdoor transmission contained either prolonged close contact or an indoor element.

What does casual mean?
You're saying that outdoor transmission is possible but that people didn't ever need to wear masks outdoors?