Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

Well and speaking of my kids' school and masks, starts June 4. Dallas ISD goes through June 18 due to starting later because of Covid:

Whether this is true or not, some people are choosing to continue wearing them because it makes them feel anxious to not do so at the moment. I think assuming all of them are doing it as a political statement is very cynical and certainly incorrect. Laughing at and criticizing people for continuing to use safety equipment that has no downside to them or any others because you personally are convinced it is not necessary is weird imo. Like calling someone an idiot for wearing a life jacket that can swim. Sure maybe they don't need it, but if it makes them feel better, so what?
It has much less to do with people choosing to continue to wear masks than pointing out the hypocrisy of their positions and statements from a year ago compared to now. When people expressed doubts about the efficacy of mask mandates the mantra was trust the CDC, believe the science. Now that the CDC is saying that the mask mandates are not necessary, those those same people are pushing back against the ending of the mandates.
I just don't understand the meme or the point of it. I'm not associated with either arm and I'm not sure why the arm on the right is a negative I guess.

What does casual mean?
You're saying that outdoor transmission is possible but that people didn't ever need to wear masks outdoors?
Are you intentionally being obtuse?

you’re a smart person and I have a hard time believing that you can’t differentiate the difference between casual and prolonged contact even just from the context. Let alone after over a year of constant thinking about, discussing, and parsing the never ending guidance from health and government organizations.
Are you intentionally being obtuse?

you’re a smart person and I have a hard time believing that you can’t differentiate the difference between casual and prolonged contact even just from the context. Let alone after over a year of constant thinking about, discussing, and parsing the never ending guidance from health and government organizations.

No I don't mean to be obtuse. I just literally don't get multiple points. I specifically don't get your point that masks were not needed outside when you also state that infections occurred outside. I don't know what casual or prolonged contact means. Is being outside of 6 ft distance casual? or is it casual to be within 6 ft for no more than 5 minutes? Is prolonged contact anything outside of those parameters?

I literally do not know and have never bothered trying to differentiate all of those parameters (casual, prolonged, etc) given all of the discrepancies in information and individual approaches. For me as an individual, I understood that being beyond 6 feet from other people and wearing a mask gave me as much protection for me and my family as could be offered given the nature of the virus and the behave of others... and that others were protected from me.
It has much less to do with people choosing to continue to wear masks than pointing out the hypocrisy of their positions and statements from a year ago compared to now. When people expressed doubts about the efficacy of mask mandates the mantra was trust the CDC, believe the science. Now that the CDC is saying that the mask mandates are not necessary, those those same people are pushing back against the ending of the mandates.
I understand that you think that, but as I explained above, to me it is a complete false equivalency, so I disagree about it being hypocritical.

If someone a year ago said "you have to do exactly what the CDC says, no more and no less" and now they are saying "you should do more than the CDC says." Then you may have a point about them being hypocritical, but I personally don't think that person is remotely common. I also fail to see how it is a negative if the thing they are being hypocritical about is being relatively more cautious than before.

Did I miss where the CDC said that mask mandates are not necessary? I thought they just said that mask wearing is not necessary for people who are fully vaccinated in most situations. I could be behind on the news.

Edit: I will say that I agree with you that if their true sole reason for wearing them is not to be mistaken as a Republican, not because they have any concerns about safety or personal comfort, that is stupid.
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Chuck you're allowed to say I'm right, it won't hurt you.

But it's a false equivalency.

For the right not following the CDC guidelines killed untold thousands of people in order to "own the libs".

On the left an abundance of caution just means people are wearing masks and being judgmental when they don't need to be. Worst case scenario is they judge someone who shouldn't be judged. Wearing a mask in a grocery store doesn't hurt anyone, and many countries do this on a regular basis when the flu is around.
Whether this is true or not, some people are choosing to continue wearing them because it makes them feel anxious to not do so at the moment. I think assuming all of them are doing it as a political statement is very cynical and certainly incorrect. Laughing at and criticizing people for continuing to use safety equipment that has no downside to them or any others because you personally are convinced it is not necessary is weird imo. Like calling someone an idiot for wearing a life jacket that can swim. Sure maybe they probably don't need it, but if it makes them feel better, so what?

Choosing to use protective or preventive equipment that is not explicitly recommended as "necessary" is a complete false equivalency to doing the opposite. Taking additional precaution will never be similar to ignoring recommended precautions.

Y - I'm wearing a mask indoors at the grocery store because I'm unsure whether the current vaccines are fully effective against new and emerging variants. I want to protect a compromised person in my home and I want to protect those who are unable or unwilling to get the vaccine.
I understand that you think that, but as I explained above, to me it is a complete false equivalency, so I disagree about it being hypocritical.

If someone a year ago said "you have to do exactly what the CDC says, no more and no less" and now they are saying "you should do more than the CDC says." Then you may have a point about them being hypocritical, but I personally don't think that person is remotely common. I also fail to see how it is a negative if the thing they are being hypocritical about is being relatively more cautious than before.

Did I miss where the CDC said that mask mandates are not necessary? I thought they just said that mask wearing is not necessary for people who are fully vaccinated in most situations. I could be behind on the news.

Edit: I will say that I agree with you that if their true sole reason for wearing them is not to be mistaken as a Republican, not because they have any concerns about safety or personal comfort, that is stupid.

then we might’ve found the only thing we will agree on with regards to the subject. David Hogg is an idiot.😂
No I don't mean to be obtuse. I just literally don't get multiple points. I specifically don't get your point that masks were not needed outside when you also state that infections occurred outside. I don't know what casual or prolonged contact means. Is being outside of 6 ft distance casual? or is it casual to be within 6 ft for no more than 5 minutes? Is prolonged contact anything outside of those parameters?

I literally do not know and have never bothered trying to differentiate all of those parameters (casual, prolonged, etc) given all of the discrepancies in information and individual approaches. For me as an individual, I understood that being beyond 6 feet from other people and wearing a mask gave me as much protection for me and my family as could be offered given the nature of the virus and the behave of others... and that others were protected from me.
Then I apologize if I came off as insulting.

There were so many places that enacted mask mandates for people engaging in outdoor activities such as running or making use of parks. Some going so far as to prohibit people from using them altogether. Casual contacts such as people running by each other on a trail or momentarily speaking to each other outdoors has zero cases of transmission attributed to it. Now stopping and carrying on a conversation for 15 minutes with a friend of yours standing 2 feet away from each other, that might be a good time to grab your mask. That’s the difference between casual and prolonged contact that I have been able to interpret from the articles and guidance I have read.
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Chuck you're allowed to say I'm right, it won't hurt you.

But it's a false equivalency.

For the right not following the CDC guidelines killed untold thousands of people in order to "own the libs".

On the left an abundance of caution just means people are wearing masks and being judgmental when they don't need to be. Worst case scenario is they judge someone who shouldn't be judged. Wearing a mask in a grocery store doesn't hurt anyone, and many countries do this on a regular basis when the flu is around.
In the post I was referencing, yes. I did agree you were correct. I almost quoted you to make that reference and say that directly. I chose not to not because of pride, but with the knowledge that in the entire time we have interacted here and at the old place direct engagement never resulted in a positive outcome.

Simply put, you and I mix less like oil and water and more like potassium and water. I choose not to directly engage with you as a general course of action because I believe it to be in the best interest of not only myself but everyone else.

On that note, I will step away from this discussion and sincerely wish you a good day.
Then I apologize if I came off as insulting.

There were so many places that enacted mask mandates for people engaging in outdoor activities such as running or making use of parks. Some going so far as to prohibit people from using them altogether. Casual contacts such as people running by each other on a trail or momentarily speaking to each other outdoors has zero cases of transmission attributed to it. Now stopping and carrying on a conversation for 15 minutes with a friend of yours standing 2 feet away from each other, that might be a good time to grab your mask. That’s the difference between casual intro wrong contact that I have been able to interpret from the articles and guidance I have read.

No you didn't come off as insulting. I just think you were making a point that I was confused about.

Using known data on 121 variables, from recorded deaths to demography, we have built a pattern of correlations that lets us fill in gaps where numbers are lacking. Our model suggests that covid-19 has already claimed 7.1m-12.7m lives. Our central estimate is that 10m people have died who would otherwise be living. This tally of “excess deaths” is over three times the official count, which nevertheless is the basis for most statistics on the disease, including fatality rates and cross-country comparisons.
My 13 year old nephew just got his first shot yesterday here in Dallas. We're about to sign our 13 year old up for one.
Oh that's great news! I did know 12-15 had been approved in trials, but didn't know they were receiving doses yet. I see eligibility in Oregon started Thursday 🥰
It has much less to do with people choosing to continue to wear masks than pointing out the hypocrisy of their positions and statements from a year ago compared to now. When people expressed doubts about the efficacy of mask mandates the mantra was trust the CDC, believe the science. Now that the CDC is saying that the mask mandates are not necessary, those those same people are pushing back against the ending of the mandates.
As others have noted, it is only hypocrisy if people's actions were actually about the CDC.
I understand that you think that, but as I explained above, to me it is a complete false equivalency, so I disagree about it being hypocritical.

If someone a year ago said "you have to do exactly what the CDC says, no more and no less" and now they are saying "you should do more than the CDC says." Then you may have a point about them being hypocritical, but I personally don't think that person is remotely common. I also fail to see how it is a negative if the thing they are being hypocritical about is being relatively more cautious than before.

Did I miss where the CDC said that mask mandates are not necessary? I thought they just said that mask wearing is not necessary for people who are fully vaccinated in most situations. I could be behind on the news.

Edit: I will say that I agree with you that if their true sole reason for wearing them is not to be mistaken as a Republican, not because they have any concerns about safety or personal comfort, that is stupid.
David Hogg is a kid who got famous for experiencing trauma. He says a lot of dumb kid stuff.

People started wearing masks at different points for different reasons--plenty of people started masking when the CDC was begging us not to, blowing their credibility (with those who might've still considered them credible at least in the face of a global pandemic) by trying to give cover for the lack of available protective gear.

For me, wearing a mask has always been as much about solidarity with my community as anything else. We mask for each other, not just ourselves. And considering how traumatic the last year+ had been for so many, doing it until cases actually consistently plateau for folks' peace of mind is easy.
In the post I was referencing, yes. I did agree you were correct. I almost quoted you to make that reference and say that directly. I chose not to not because of pride, but with the knowledge that in the entire time we have interacted here and at the old place direct engagement never resulted in a positive outcome.

Simply put, you and I mix less like oil and water and more like potassium and water. I choose not to directly engage with you as a general course of action because I believe it to be in the best interest of not only myself but everyone else.

On that note, I will step away from this discussion and sincerely wish you a good day.

Why do you keep coming in this thread with your weird libertarian/right "le masterful troll" stuff and act so surprised when people get annoyed?

Folks can wear their masks whenever they want. It's not against CDC guidance to do so. It doesn't hurt anyone and it might actually continue to help. It's like as soon as politics or "freedom" come into the discussion, empathy disappears.

Also, posting a tweet from David Hogg and talking about HoW DuMb Is ThIs KiD LOL only makes you look like a very awful person.
40 states have now vaccinated more than half their residence (receiving at least their first shot). The national average for percentage of people vaccinated hit 60% yesterday. 7 states have reached Bidens goal of 70% vaccinated. ( Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey and Vermont.)

The 10 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia and Wyoming) who have vaccinated less than 50% of their population are seeing the highest rates of COVID-19 in the nation. These states are sing vaccination rates of 38% to 45% currently and are facing an uphill battle to get the rest of their population vaccinated. Those willing to be vaccinated have already received their vaccination and those who have not received a vaccination yet are hesitant.
Locally we are at 40% vaccinated, but our case numbers, hospitalizations, and deaths have only continued dropping. We’re now in the yellow tier, which we haven’t been in since last summer. It’s amazing how good we are doing despite not being at 50% vaccinated yet. And our mask mandate has been over for almost three weeks now. I’m surprised at how good it seems here at the moment.
Locally we are at 40% vaccinated, but our case numbers, hospitalizations, and deaths have only continued dropping. We’re now in the yellow tier, which we haven’t been in since last summer. It’s amazing how good we are doing despite not being at 50% vaccinated yet. And our mask mandate has been over for almost three weeks now. I’m surprised at how good it seems here at the moment.
Are you maybe reaching a certain level of herd immunity if you factor in the proportion of the population that has immunity due to prior infection?