I think we covered this in here a while back. You can't be denied the shot if you don't have insurance, they just eat the fees. It's just to help out with administrative costs.
From the CDC's Website:
The federal government is providing the vaccine
free of charge to all people living in the United States, regardless of their immigration or health insurance status.
COVID-19 vaccination providers
- Charge you for the vaccine
- Charge you directly for any administration fees, copays, coinsurance, or the balance of the bill after appropriate reimbursement
- Deny vaccination to anyone who does not have health insurance coverage, is underinsured, or is out of network
- Charge an office visit or other fee to the recipient if the only service provided is a COVID-19 vaccination
- Require additional services in order for a person to receive a COVID-19 vaccine; however, additional healthcare services can be provided at the same time and billed as appropriate
COVID-19 vaccination providers