The Canadian Olympic Womens Hockey team won their match against the US while wearing N95 masks the entire time.
Don't know why a bunch of manly truck drivers and skeets are having such a hard time with it.
The Canadian Olympic Womens Hockey team won their match against the US while wearing N95 masks the entire time.
Don't know why a bunch of manly truck drivers and skeets are having such a hard time with it.
That said I'm not clear if a city has a public mask mandate still in effect that it applies to schools as well. At least one of my co-worker has taken it as it doesn't matter what they city mask mandate is, masks will no longer be required in school and it has him very upset.
My brother currently teaches in a room with no windows and very little ventilation. There are already some issues with mildew according to him. He’s working on constructing one of those makeshift HEPA filter/box fan contraptions to serve as a cheap air purifier for his classroom. This is his second year of teaching. How many of us would put up with those kinds of conditions for more than two years?
I missed this update last week:
Pfizer postpones FDA request for Covid vaccine for kids under 5
The company said it believes three doses "may provide a higher level of protection in this age group."
Yeah. I was just excited about the possibility that maybe we could start the process of getting the first two shots out of the way so that we could potentially get to that fully vaccinated state that much faster.
The 100% work from home period is finally ending for both my wife and me, and our current home-based daycare provider is closing her business for good at the end of May. My work has an attached daycare center for employees, and I had just always hoped that events would line up so that by the time we're back to working in the office AND need to start using a center with a lot more people, our kiddo's exposure risk would be less of a concern.
The rush to start rolling back restrictions and mitigations before the last tranches of the population have access to even the most basic protections continues to dismay me. The ones who can't get vaccinated OR wear masks OR wash their hands regularly OR maintain social distancing just have with it. Good plan.
I was writing earlier in this thread (based on some history of pandemics thing I read but can't locate anymore) that previous pandemics, including the 1918 flu pandemic, pretty much ended because people got fed up of restrictions and decided to just ignore it. Electing governments that oppose measures and the like. Usually about 2 years in. History is essentially repeating. I fully expect COVID to take about 4-5 years, when all's said and done, to become truly endemic. We can certainly "live with it", using all the tools we have and having pretty much no shut downs anymore, but ignoring it and moving on shouldn't be the way forward.
I was just hearing reading some stories and watching news reports on the local NBC station about America moving on and leaving those with disabilities or are at high risk on their own to fend for themselves.
When it comes to mask mandates, both locally and nationally they are being lifted. There are two narratives I am seeing about this.
The minority / unpopular opinion: Lifting the mask mandates is more of a political move than a public health move. When it comes numbers, were infections are still high rivaling the peak of the delta variant it makes no sense lifting mask mandates so early.
The popular opinion: We are seeing a downward trend in new cases. ICU's are not full and overall Omnicron is milder for vaccinated adults. It's common sense that we should be lifting the mandates and start returning to normal. We can't keep mandates in place forever.
So basically, we can forget about Covid and return to normal if we are seeing a downward trend. But with cases still high won't this just help it bounce back or new variants to form?
Yesterday New Hampshire's state senate passed a bill that would ban all future hybrid or remote learning in public schools with the exception of for weather (snow day). Meanwhile, they did not pass a school lunch bill that would require students to get a 30 minute lunch break with at least 20 minutes to sit down and eat. It's like they don't care about the students well being.
Massachusetts Republican governor already put an end to remote / hybrid learning last year via executive order saying all kids must be in school in person. He is also lifting the mask mandate for public schools on February 28th.
This has lead to a lot of parents asking their towns or schools to impose their own mask mandate to protect their high risk kid or high risk family members. But they are making no progress and being forced to pull their kids out of school to be homeschooled. No one at the city or school board level wants to impose a mask mandate citing it's not needed by current guidelines. This is leaving students behind who are at high risk to fend for themselves. The parent of a student in MA who has cystic fibrosis is saying they are basically saying their child is an acceptable loss to return to normal. And that it has to be a violation of ADA and hope it can be challenged through the ADA. For now, they are forced to pull their child out of public schools.
Boston lifted their proof of vaccination mandate yesterday. Last night's Bruins game was the first game / event at the TD Garden in Boston since the start of the pandemic where proof of vaccination was not needed. NBC Boston interviews a lot of hockey fans about this and most are saying stuff like "It's about time". Only one 20 something girl said it makes her feel uncomfortable and that the decision sounds to be made more over money than public health. Masks are still required in Boston with the exception of when eating or drinking. Boston is one of the last holdouts in MA that still has a mask mandate. Salem ended theirs on 2/9.
Over the weekend when I went to the mall with my family, most stores said mask are strongly encouraged. What I noticed. Most store employees were not wearing masks. Most white / 30 something plus people were not wearing masks. Young adults, Asians and Hispanics were where you saw people wearing masks.
As I mentioned earlier in this thread, Salem was 1 of 3 cities in MA who had a vaccination proof mandate. It was lifting along with the mask mandate on 02/09/2022. Salem's economy was hurt big time by the mandate. It alianted the locals. People from around the North Shore in MA stopped coming to Salem and the city gotta rep of being overly liberal and a place to avoid. People were done with mandates, and showed it with their wallets.
I don't know what it's like in Canada, but I have noticed that a lot of the pushback against mandates here in the United States would prevent similar measures from ever being used again should we have another pandemic that's not covid in the future. Especially when it comes to schools or stay at home orders. Vaccine mandates and proof of vaccine mandates.
We expect a lot of political candidates to run on the platform of returning to normal, removal mandates and limit future power of public health officials with the 2022 election cycle in the United States further worsening the problem.
I feel that Covid has pretty much screwed our country over whereas if the next pandemic is worse there is almost nothing we can do about it because Freedumb.
Nah. Here are the magic words: "Covid was different! That was a Chinese Democrat virus!"
'We'll See if it's the next pandemic or just next winter's covid waveSadly, there is probably more truth to that than satire.
My biggest concern is in the early days of the next pandemic. Preventing community spread.
Some states have removed the ability of public health officials to issue stay at home orders, quarantines or mask mandates leaving the decision with politicians rather than experts. Will the State senate's move fast enough and be able to make the best public health decisions in time? Even the Governor's power has been limited in some states to do this by executive order.
There is absolutely no way we will be able to control / stop the spread. The next pandemic will hit us full force and be here to stay. I see you statement coming into play with mask mandates after it's too late to do anything about the pandemic. Because it's peoples rights and the economy is more important than protecting lives. Got to remember, grandma and grandpa would gladly sacrifice themselves for the state of the economy and their grandchildren. At least according to Texas's Lt Governor.
Something I read this weekend, related to the current discussion> COVID Won’t End Up Like the Flu. It Will Be Like Smoking.