Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

A one-time (taxed) $1200 for everyone with no regard for income, and no nationwide rent freeze, followed by a month long recess, fucking LOL. Will not be surprised if cars start getting flipped and molotovs start flying in the coming month.
If I lived on the east or west coast, where this stimulus would essentially be a direct deposit for my landlord, i would be fucking PISSED.
"No disrespect" doesn't make what you wrote un-disrespectful. Be cool.

If moderators are going to be allowed to make posts solely to mock political figures in this thread, instead of in the actual anti-Trump political thread that exists for this purpose, then all bets are off as far as behavior in this thread, correct? Just making sure before I go further. I've reported this post but nothing happened as all of the mods are of the same political persuasion. Please delete stuff like this or move it to the political thread where it belongs. This post by @nolalady had no purpose except to be mocking.
I know this has the chance of being inflammatory, but I truly am curious. Your reaction to that post would seem in defense of Trump. I honestly don't know your politics, but if you are a Trump supporter, I would like to know why because you seem like an intelligent person and I'm not sure how his actions can be justified or defended at this point. I work in a hospital, this isn't fake news, people are dying.
I know this has the chance of being inflammatory, but I truly am curious. Your reaction to that post would seem in defense of Trump.
You aren't being inflammatory, you're asking a question in a reasonable manner.
I honestly don't know your politics, but if you are a Trump supporter, I would like to know why because you seem like an intelligent person and I'm not sure how his actions can be justified or defended at this point.
I am a registered voter who is not affiliated with any political party. In general I am conservative fiscally and liberal socially. I generally vote for the best person for a given position. Sometimes I vote for a Democrat, sometimes for a Republican, sometimes for a third-party candidate. I'm probably more libertarian than anything else, but don't think I've ever liked a Libertarian candidate enough to vote for one, but that's due to the person, not the party. I think we live in a world of shades of gray, but Democrats and Republicans paint things as black and white. I believe many things are intertwined, and single-issue folks are irritating. I have little tolerance for the radical left or the radical right. I didn't vote for Trump last time, and won't this time. I think Sanders is the by far best candidate for the country, and I think he's the one candidate who can beat Trump. I think Biden would get destroyed going head-to-head with Trump.

All that said, there is an anti-Trump political thread where straight-up mocking should go. I don't want to see it pollute other threads. That's the problem I have.
If you’ve a few spare minutes in lockdown I found this a really interesting read. I’ve always found Hobbes‘ political theory (particularly when read in parallel with his contemporary Locke) insightful and I thought the thinking was very well applied to the current situation here.

"No disrespect" doesn't make what you wrote un-disrespectful. Be cool.

If moderators are going to be allowed to make posts solely to mock political figures in this thread, instead of in the actual anti-Trump political thread that exists for this purpose, then all bets are off as far as behavior in this thread, correct? Just making sure before I go further. I've reported this post but nothing happened as all of the mods are of the same political persuasion. Please delete stuff like this or move it to the political thread where it belongs. This post by @nolalady had no purpose except to be mocking.
It was decided that since this is the covid thread, and the government is responding to it, how politicians are handling it is fair game (as long as it doesn’t devolve into a complete bash fest). That includes humor and criticism. This decision will likely be re-evaluated as the situation continues. Obviously we don’t want it to turn into another politics thread since we already have one but we’re willing to give a little leeway here. We can’t promise to have a thread that doesn’t offend someone in some way but as long as we all take care to consider what we say, I’m hopeful we can manage all right.

Inequity in access to the internet has been a big deal in the school district I work in. I had to download the typical work from home tools and do a professional development yesterday that had to do with remote learning. A lot of these thoughts were running through my mind. Particularly for kids with disabilities. How am realistically going to expect a kid to keep a zoom appointment without any assistance?
Inequity in access to the internet has been a big deal in the school district I work in. I had to download the typical work from home tools and do a professional development yesterday that had to do with remote learning. A lot of these thoughts were running through my mind. Particularly for kids with disabilities. How am realistically going to expect a kid to keep a zoom appointment without any assistance?
I was thinking about this too, all the kids with special needs that aren’t getting all the services they need.

and of course the differences in resources. every time I download and print all these packets I keep thinking about the family without high speed internet or a printer, not to mention childcare needs as parents need to keep working. I’m fortunate we can work from home, as much as I grumble about it. I can’t imagine what we’d have to deal with if that weren’t possible.
I was thinking about this too, all the kids with special needs that aren’t getting all the services they need.

and of course the differences in resources. every time I download and print all these packets I keep thinking about the family without high speed internet or a printer, not to mention childcare needs as parents need to keep working. I’m fortunate we can work from home, as much as I grumble about it. I can’t imagine what we’d have to deal with if that weren’t possible.

My wife has a colleague who has a kid with autism and adhd. He is a one on one side the whole day, because he can’t maintain focus. No she has to help him and do her job at the same time. She is stressing right now.
I was thinking about this too, all the kids with special needs that aren’t getting all the services they need.

and of course the differences in resources. every time I download and print all these packets I keep thinking about the family without high speed internet or a printer, not to mention childcare needs as parents need to keep working. I’m fortunate we can work from home, as much as I grumble about it. I can’t imagine what we’d have to deal with if that weren’t possible.

I think the lack of computers is a bigger issue.

Comcast has stepped up in and is offering 25mbps internet for free for 3 months to all low-income families. If you live in a region that is covered by Comcast, you can get free broadband from them. That has really help out low income families in Eastern Massachusetts. Just last month school systems were saying online classes were not an option due to the lack of internet. That's no longer the case.

Also, I was happy to hear that Boston Public Schools are providing Chromebooks to all students who don't have consistent access to a computer at home.

Yes there is still inequality, but at least we are trying to address the issues.

When it comes to online learning for students, I'm more worried about rural America. Much Rural America does not have access to high speed internet.

Even in Western Massachusetts, which is by no means as rural other areas in this Country do struggle with this. A little over half the towns don't have Cell service in most areas, Cable TV does not Exist. DSL exist for some but not everyone. Where my mom lives there is no DSL, no cable. Other than dial up, the only option for internet is via Satellite services like HughesNet. They are very expensive, and have data caps. Up until a couple years ago, the data caps were similar to mobile. $120 a month internet plan gave you 10GB for the month. That 10 GB was a hard limit, and they essentially shut you off once you exceeded it by throttling you to 56k speeds. Data caps are now 50GB a month. But by no means can you use zoom on that. My mom already exceeded it in less than 1 week working from home. Thankfully after being turned off for a couple days she has it back because HughesNet has decided not to enforce the data caps at this time. Their notice to customers basically read that due to COVID-19 many people are working from home or taking online classes. Data usage is way up and we want to ensure everyone is able to stay at home and remain safe. The slow data caused by people exceeding their data caps is clogging the network and therefor we have temporarily stopped enforcing the data caps to allow for data to flow as fast as possible. My read on that is most of their customer base probably exceeded their data caps and all that throttled data essentially made the system slow to crawl..

There has been a decade longs initutie to get broadband too these towns in Western Massachusetts. Comcast and Verizon will not do it because based on the population density they have made the decision that it would not be profitable. They will only bring access if someone pays for it. Either the town or potential customer.

6 years ago there was a vote that passed, towns would pay half the amount to bring broadband access, the other half would come from federal funds. However, our Governor is holding the federal funds and not releasing it. He says the money could be put to far better use. It doesn't make financial sense to pay for broadband access and feels it should be left in the hands of the private businesses.