Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

Yeah but we can all agree America is pretty pathetic right about now though. I'm not sure stating a fact is disrespectful.

And as your neighbor, we're saying that not out of disrespect but out of dismay and concern. Both for the human toll you are/will face and for the simple fact that we fully realize that we're "sleeping next to an elephant".

I really hope you can start focusing your efforts and work together against this.
And as your neighbor, we're saying that not out of disrespect but out of dismay and concern. Both for the human toll you are/will face and for the simple fact that we fully realize that we're "sleeping next to an elephant".

I really hope you can start focusing your efforts and work together against this.

Same but don't expect much. There's nothing more American than blind selfish optimism. It'll all be okay.... for me!
I've been making some flippant and angry responses in this thread and I think I'm going to stop doing that, because it's not helpful. I'm just so angry at my country. I'm angry at the leadership for being inept and pathetic, which isn't surprising given the people in charge. But worst of all, I'm angry at the people. I'm angry at my inlaws for not taking it seriously, at my FIL in particular for not closing his office when he should have, at my neighbors for not keeping social distance like they should, at all the people who think this whole thing doesn't apply to them and is no big deal. I'm angry that corporations are going to get bailed out and all these 3 million people that got laid off are going to get fucked somehow and nobody really cares and nobody will do anything because America prizes big business and profit over human beings every single time. I'm angry that our country is so absurdly fragile that a 2-3 week shutdown (it's only been that long) causes immense financial insanity and mass layoffs. I'm angry that we have no social safety net to help all the people that are going to be hurt by this in the long run. I'm angry that people STILL downplay the virus and want to act like human lives are less important because they're old people. I'm angry that people act like this won't effect the young just as much. I'm angry that we're more worried about stocks and the economy than we are about the possibility of millions infected and hundreds of thousands or millions dying. I'm angry we can't produce enough ventilators and masks because our leadership is too weak to make it happen, so more people will needlessly die, and more healthcare professionals will get sick and die, and that's a huge travesty. I'm angry that America looks like a joke compared to every other nation, because we are, we are a joke, we failed at producing a simple testing kit because we're so arrogant we couldn't use the one provided by the WHO. I'm angry we didn't implement mass testing and distancing and stay at home orders when it would've mattered, and instead waited, downplayed, ignored, and basically pretended like America is so amazing it couldn't possibly happen here. And yet here we are, it's happening here, and it's only going to get worse. I hope it doesn't, but the numbers are pretty grim. And I'm angry at the people who don't see how flawed and fucked up our country is, how broken our culture is, how pathetic our people are, and how weak and ineffectual our leadership has been. The greatest generation is either dead or dying and what we're left with is pretty sad. Anyway, I'm angry. Sorry for the rant.
One thing businesses are doing is moving very fast to furlough / lay people off. Our CEO explained why they are doing.

Essentially it has to do with the uncertainty. There is a great deal of fog that is thickening by the day. We don't know how long this is going to last for. What the economy is going to look like once we get passed this. There is no way to project if you are going to be operating in the red by staying open and letting your employees work from home. The conservative mindset is also that working from home means lest productivity and would cost them money. Clients are also affected by this too and trying to renegotiate contracts and retainers. They are changing their projections for orders. Because of the unknown, businesses are choosing to protect themselves and their shareholders.

While where I work wants to do everything they can to protect employees. Protecting the business does come first. Layoffs will happen. We just don't know how many people and when yet. As we start to get clarity on how much revenue will be lost of the year these decisions will be made.
It means the initial shortage required lying to the public to ease the demand pressure for the masks. Now that production is underway it is more important to trickle truth to help slow the spread.
I'll believe that production is sufficient to keep up with current hospital demand, nevermind the insane demand for hoarding that this will create when I see it.
I’m starting to get really worried for the health and safety of my wife. She’s had several coworkers on her L&D unit get sick. One of the doctors reported a fever, coughing, and feeling short of breath going up a flight of stairs. Of course he’s “a hugger” and was ignoring social distancing. What an idiot.

So my wife has started asking me to leave a change of clothes in the garage for her and she will immediately change and go shower before doing anything else.

Hearing about all these 20 to 30 somethings dying has me even more freaked. I know chances are low but this isolation thing, for us at least, the clock gets reset every time she goes to work. One one hand I’m so grateful that both of us are still getting a paycheck and I can “work” from home while only making short trips into the office. On the other hand I just need some control over the situation. I need to feel like we are doing the things we are supposed to and that will 100% keep us safe. I just want us both at home.
I saw a report on NBC 10 this morning that the Cape Code is at peak summer residency now. All seasonal homes and rental properties have been filled.

And this is a huge concern. The cape only has 2 hospital and is only designed to handle the year long permanent residence. Between the two hospitals there are only 53 ICU beds.

Many of the people are fleeing NY and bunkering down on the Cape to self quarantine.

There was also a rental listing for a cottage where the weekly rental rate was listed at $7100 for a COVID-19 Free Rental Property. After being called out about it on the local news the listing was pulled down.