New Music Friday!

Only been through once and really enjoyed it, but this also feels like it will be a real grower. And yeah, "icepick" is a real slow burn. I also really like "snake," which might be the first track that was released and got this whole thing started!
Listening to it as I wander around an airport waiting for a horribly delayed flight. Depressing as hell, or so it seems to me now, but I’m digging it haha!
Not bad. However, I didn't listen to much as I'm experiencing listener fatigue and considering taking a break.


None. Likely should be something here, but didn't feel it this week.​
  • Otoboke Beaver (おとぼけビ~バ~) - SUPER CHAMPON (スーパーチャンポン) [can't wait to see these ladies in concert!]
  • Soccer96 - Inner Worlds
  • Kehlani - blue water road [this is my favorite album of their discography thus far. I was so, so close to placing this in 👍, but I'm not brave enough to do it. Not quite there...still a number of mediocre inclusions in the tracklist. I'm on the precipice of fully connecting with Kehlani's music, and I'm hoping the next one they release will blow me away]
  • Sharon Van Etten - We've Been Going About This All Wrong [this was fine, but the bombastic orchestral arrangements worked better for music friend Angel Olsen on All Mirrors than for SVE here]
  • Warpaint - Radiate Like This [this didn't radiate]
  • Arcade Fire - WE [this is ghastly. In contention for worst album of '22]
New Rolling Blackouts isn't grabbing me like their previous output. The jangly guitars are still there but the vocals seem a little more subdued. I liked the album, just not an insta-buy like their last 2 were.

Hasn't grabbed me as much either but I haven't given it a very close listen-- mostly just driving around doing errands in the car. I expect it will grow on me though, I love the band a lot.