New Music Friday!

If I'm not mistaken, didn't this drop in November last year?

Or are you considering this a "Whatever Else"?

I think whatever else is the catch all for but that already came out?
I am fed up with some sites not making it clear whether things are new releases, re-releases, re-presses, re-stocks or whatever else so yeah, I added that whatever else as a catch-all.

Some of my picks are based purely on liking the artwork, or reading the description, so if I'm not familiar with the artist I don't know if it has already been released. Most of the time I do a little digging to double-check, but sometimes I don't and here we are.
What kind of sites are you using to find new music that DON'T list a release date..?
The ones I never remember to double-check!

I have a bunch of sites that were recommended to me last time I was frustrated at listing records that have been out for years, and like I said, sometimes I use somewhere else, or don't do my due diligence and someone notices, or I try and make my playlist on a Friday and I notice they've all been out for years.

I find it very annoying, and it makes me want to stop making lists, so I try not to think about it too much, and I had hoped the "Whatever Else" part would free me up a little. It seems it has not.
The ones I never remember to double-check!

I have a bunch of sites that were recommended to me last time I was frustrated at listing records that have been out for years, and like I said, sometimes I use somewhere else, or don't do my due diligence and someone notices, or I try and make my playlist on a Friday and I notice they've all been out for years.

I find it very annoying, and it makes me want to stop making lists, so I try not to think about it too much, and I had hoped the "Whatever Else" part would free me up a little. It seems it has not.
It's no big deal at all! And I hope you don't stop making your lists. I'm sure I speak for others here, too - we all look forward to the lists that get put out each week. I pointed out the Norman Westburg album because I'm a fan of his and I was pretty sure I'd checked it out last year. In the age of misinformation we are in these days, you never know. I guess just double-checking with another site for the release date if it's not given is what you'll have to do to be sure. But then I'd also start wondering, why keep using a site that doesn't provide a release date...? Seems like a pretty important piece of info to omit.. 🤷‍♂️
@jt4527 these are the three sites I use to find 95% of the new music I include on my radar lists each week. The Bandcamp discover page isn't exclusive to new releases, but many of them listed are. You simply click on an album and the release date is then given.

The ones I never remember to double-check!

I have a bunch of sites that were recommended to me last time I was frustrated at listing records that have been out for years, and like I said, sometimes I use somewhere else, or don't do my due diligence and someone notices, or I try and make my playlist on a Friday and I notice they've all been out for years.

I find it very annoying, and it makes me want to stop making lists, so I try not to think about it too much, and I had hoped the "Whatever Else" part would free me up a little. It seems it has not.
Dude, it’s all good. You’re still helping with music discovery. The post @avecigrec made right after you is music that is 60 years old!
An album out today I'm not seeing on anyone's radar is:

DYAN - Midwest

Their first album was great, and this album is just as good. It's confusing to me why DYAN's work doesn't get more attention. It's moody, beautifully constructed, and offers a really nice mix of acoustics and subtle electronics.

If you just want a taste, I'd recommend checking the title track from the first album "Looking for Knives," which is such an amazing slow burn.

Which reminds me of another I also haven't seen on lists:

Low Roar - House in the Woods

Much of what I said above about DYAN's music applies to Low Roar, but a male vocalist.
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@jt4527 these are the three sites I use to find 95% of the new music I include on my radar lists each week. The Bandcamp discover page isn't exclusive to new releases, but many of them listed are. You simply click on an album and the release date is then given.

New Oklou!!!