I haven't listened to this copy since I inherited it from my folks' neighbours, but knew no matter what it would be an upgrade from the $1 copy I previously had. A couple minutes in and it sounds great!
I am an absolute sucker for bargain bins and curiosities (much to my wife's chagrin at times) and have picked up a goodly handful of things along the way I've yet to listen to, like this 70s French Canadian Celtic folk album.
I snagged a uaed copy of this for a friend on a big Coltrane kick last year and he loved it so much he drunk-ordered a copy for me a few weeks later to show his appreciation.
I have absolutely ignored my fill in the gaps Destroyer records that I got earlier this year. This buying breather is going to be awesome if I can find the time to spin.
#45 Carolyn Mark & NQ Arbuckle - Let's Just Stay Here
Thanks Discogs randomizer! I listened to this album relentlessly on CD and computer for a year or three after it's release but only once since I found it on vinyl last summer and snatched it up immediately.