Online Vinyl Deals

It's always been super easy to get a refund or exchange for any pressing defect from uDiscover, but they recently hired on a third party insurance company, and it took me - I kid you not - over TWENTY emails to explain to a rep that I cannot photograph a warp that affects playback.

I did finally receive a refund, which is my preference - I'll ususally take a free copy that the first few grooves skip.
I might bite on this...

20 for $35 Grab Bag​

Grab Bag Includes 20 random Classical Records hand selected by members of the Vinyl Vault Staff knowledgable in classical selections.

Here is a great opportunity to affordably disccover new classical music. Here at the Vinyl Vault we have more records than time to list them. The records in this bundle may not be in Mint condition but will be in generally good shape. The records will be quickly visually assessed to assure you're not receving a tattered or horribly scratched record, but will not be ultrasonically cleaned.

Finally got around to a Spin Clean session so I cracked open that Allman Brothers box. Did anyone else buy it when it was on sale? It's a really nice package, the book looks like something I'll definitely read through. And I can say I've never had a "Side T" before.
I’ve recently gone down a bit of a bluegrass hole and bought a bunch of Tony Rice and Dave Grisman albums. The late 70’s and early 80’s stuff is absolutely phenomenal sounding. Also picked up a CD of the Pizza Tapes with Jerry Garcia and was blown away with how good that sounds.

Plus a Bo Diddley if you make it to page 4. But getting there is…something.
Lots of good stuff here but I still can't believe that those Autour de Lucie records didn't sell. I remember getting into them because of my subscription to CMJ. My wife and I still listen to those CDs from time to time.
In case I'm not the only one who ordered the Hudson HiFi inner and outer bundle in mid-December who was still hoping it might eventually arrive, I thought I'd share this. I ran out of inners yesterday so went to the Hudson HiFi website to see what was up. I was surprised to see my order status was still "confirmed" when the bundle is listed as "in stock, ready to ship." So I emailed to ask about it.

Here's the meat of the response I got:
Thank you for reaching out. I sincerely apologize for any confusion regarding your order.

Your order was unfortunately canceled a few days ago due to an inventory issue and incorrect pricing reflected at the time of purchase. A cancellation email was sent, and a full refund has been processed.

I understand this may be an inconvenience, and I apologize for the delay in communication.


But that "days ago" part is BS. I actually received a cancellation email seconds before this reply was sent, telling me that this CS agent cancelled my order just then, and only because I asked.

So if you're still waiting on your order, I'd get in touch with them now to get your refund. I think it's pretty tacky that they wouldn't just honor the price (they've sold the bundle at even less than that in the past), but it's even worse that I'm pretty sure nothing would have ever been done about this if I hadn't followed up. I may still buy their inners through Amazon, but I'll never order directly from their site again.