Online Vinyl Deals

Also, that udiscovermusic code (dad25) works on the Tone Poet preorders and brings the price down to $26. There are some other great deals to be had -- including Don Cherry's Brown rice; at discount $14!
Think I am going to cancel my Amazon preorders and go this route for black fire and clubhouse
Also, that udiscovermusic code (dad25) works on the Tone Poet preorders and brings the price down to $26. There are some other great deals to be had -- including Don Cherry's Brown rice; at discount $14!
Anyone know if they will ship all preorders separately or the date of the final release
Anyone know if they will ship all preorders separately or the date of the final release
my experience previously was that they ship when ready. You get a notice at the end that pre-orders will ship later with their respective dates.

Final note: They also have a good Stan Getz (with Haynes) live at the Village Gate, 3lp. sigh.
Think I am going to cancel my Amazon preorders and go this route for black fire and clubhouse
The only good thing about Amazon is their price lock in if it dips below a certain amount. Amazon also doesn’t need charge until it ships I think. But I realized I hadn’t ordered these yet and the deal was good with free shipping.
The only good thing about Amazon is their price lock in if it dips below a certain amount. Amazon also doesn’t need charge until it ships I think. But I realized I hadn’t ordered these yet and the deal was good with free shipping.
Yeah I normally go the Amazon route. But out of all the tone poets the only one I bought that was cheaper on Amazon, since both charge tax and have free shipping, was Cornbread. And I doubt any will dip to that. Way I see it, if it stays where tone poets normally sell, 27-28, this saves a few dollars and I can not support Amazon.
Gotta curb the spending haha. I will eventually pick that one up too though! The Tone Poets dont seem to be limited from everything BN has said.
Yeah I’m all in on the Tone Poets on release day but will have to go back and snag the 80’s when I can. I think the only Tone Poets I won’t get are the Cassandra Wilson and Lou Donaldson album. Just don’t like them as much.
Yeah I’m all in on the Tone Poets on release day but will have to go back and snag the 80’s when I can. I think the only Tone Poets I won’t get are the Cassandra Wilson and Lou Donaldson album. Just don’t like them as much.
They had all the up to date TPs and 80s, I grabbed Bobbi Humphrey's since it was 25% off and the only available 80 I felt I really wanted asap. Hoping the 80s do a dip at some point like the 75s
does umusicdiscovery usually ship out on release date? I have the set of 3 BN80s due out this week ordered from amazon and those should arrive Friday. Just curious how much longer ill have to wait if I cancel that and order through umusic