Online Vinyl Deals

If you want to pay the shipping from the US to you, I'll be more than happy to grab it for you. Might still be a better deal than CAD ;)

Appreciate the offer. I reckon there may be a dangling PIF or two left yet too. I know @Absolut Kaz had a postage estimate of around $40 when I asked.

[edit] Honestly I both want it and don't know that I actually need it or would spin it all that much for the space it takes up. A dilemma for sure. But I'm a sucker for a great deal! ;)
This is when you ponder not being a fan versus cost of purchase, lol

I don't like Garth in the slightest yet somehow I still bought the 3 boxsets in one pack a few years ago since it got to about $20. Then just a few months ago I heard this guy raving about him so I brought it up and he was all super excited and offered me $50 for one of the three boxsets but I felt bad about charging that much and sold it to him for $25 instead but i'm now $5 ahead and have 2 sets left that I will very likely never touch but hey at this point it's at least kind of paying rent for it's space I guess?

If anyone that wants one is ever out in the Paso Robles area i'd happily give a full sealed set as a PIF.
I don't like Garth in the slightest yet somehow I still bought the 3 boxsets in one pack a few years ago since it got to about $20. Then just a few months ago I heard this guy raving about him so I brought it up and he was all super excited and offered me $50 for one of the three boxsets but I felt bad about charging that much and sold it to him for $25 instead but i'm now $5 ahead and have 2 sets left that I will very likely never touch but hey at this point it's at least kind of paying rent for it's space I guess?

If anyone that wants one is ever out in the Paso Robles area i'd happily give a full sealed set as a PIF.
I don't need another Garth box, but just wanted to say Paso Robles is awesome. We didn't have time for a whole winery when we were there, but went to Firestone Walker, and had a drink at most of the places in Tin city.
I don't need another Garth box, but just wanted to say Paso Robles is awesome. We didn't have time for a whole winery when we were there, but went to Firestone Walker, and had a drink at most of the places in Tin city.
I have two Garth boxes in my closet but I do go to Paso pretty regularly lol. It’s worth a stop over in Los Alamos if you’re coming from LA!
I don't need another Garth box, but just wanted to say Paso Robles is awesome. We didn't have time for a whole winery when we were there, but went to Firestone Walker, and had a drink at most of the places in Tin city.

Yeah, it's insane how much it's grown recently! I'm not much of a wine drinker at all but when people come to visit I usually go to a few and they're all mostly worth visiting as each one has some kind of uniqueness to it. Chronic Cellars is probably my personal favorite even though it's far from the nicest or most lavish. Firestone is one of my go to's as well though, that place is awesome. I live up at Lake Nacimiento which I really like since i'm surrounded by nature but downtown Paso is still only about a 10-15 minute drive.
oh man they have signed exclusives? they should start a monthly club, i'm sure people would be super into it