Well-Known Member
I happened to be near Williamsburg, VA today on another errand, and found a bunch at a Target store near there. You really do have to price check because one employee I asked said "nothing is on clearance." Then I started price checking the LPs myself (there's a self-price check at the end of an aisle, often near the music section) and they scanned as clearance prices. Then another Target employee approached me and said, "Wow, I didn't realize these were clearance. Can you tell me which ones so I can buy some with my employee discount?"
Yeah, an employee told me the same thing so I told him to scan a couple I knew were on clearance and he was like "Oh maii maiii, I might have to grab some now!".. So as the gentleman I am I had about 10-15 ready to scan and had him use his personal scanner so I didn't have to carry them anywhere and he was able to see the prices as well. Sadly, they didn't have any of the few I seen other people getting for cheap like the Wings that I wanted so I just ended up not getting anything. It looked like some other people ransacked the section several dozen times before me so that's probably why. Fans of Selena Gomez have to be psyched though since there was a good 30 copies of her album priced at $5.