Well-Known Member
Yea that’s why I was asking about 5.1 streaming. I was under the impression that Atmos is mostly fake surround and so wouldn’t be worth it with Apple Music. Same with Tidal. As far as I know, Atmos mixes are NOT he same as multichannel/5.1 mixes
I haven't heard many Atmos mixes purely music wise but haven't been too overly impressed with the few I have (Just mostly streaming though Amazon Music Unlimited tbf).. Movies wise it can be pretty amazing and immersive if done right though!
Crazy enough I recently got my Dad's CD player which was also a 5 disc Sony SACD player like yours haha.. I really enjoy some 5.1 mixes I have now and it does sometimes even surpass my Vinyl editions especially with a new beastly Center speaker I recently got. Even with that vinyl is in no danger of being overtaken at my house in the slightest but it's an awesome occasional alternative when they're done right!
I was listening to the newer Deluxe box of Lennon's Imagine and I still prefer the Remastered Quad mix over the new 5.1 even though both sound fantastic. Realizing this, I don't have the time or mental energy to start researching the best versions of SACD'S/BluRay Audio now as well which is another huge factor