Political Discussion

For my own sanity I can't watch any Trump press conference for the next four years. Jesus Christ is that man a horrible horrible person, seriously fuck that dude. Just caught a couple minutes of his Mar A Lago press conference and had to turn it off. I just literally can't with that person, between his constant overuse of superlatives and every other word being a lie I can't do that to myself. Hey but at least they own the libs now.
For my own sanity I can't watch any Trump press conference for the next four years. Jesus Christ is that man a horrible horrible person, seriously fuck that dude. Just caught a couple minutes of his Mar A Lago press conference and had to turn it off. I just literally can't with that person, between his constant overuse of superlatives and every other word being a lie I can't do that to myself. Hey but at least they own the libs now.
I know it’s only been a couple month since the election and he hasn’t even taken office yet but so far I have done a good job avoiding the noise. Last time I feel like I actively sought out the outrage. This time I am just letting shit come to me. I am not burying my head in the sand but also it’s harder to “own the libs” is we all stop paying attention to all the noise and instead just worry about the stuff that matters when it actually matters.
The Gulf of America? This is the dumbest timeline and people willingly voted for this to return. Only in America.

See, this is the stuff I am happy to avoid. If we ignore it, it will just go away. If people are offended or outraged, even mockingly; it becomes a thing.
Freedom Fries all over again. We've always lived here; cold comfort, I know.
Freedom Fries all over again. We've always lived here; cold comfort, I know.
I would prefer if this didn’t become Freedom Fries 2.0. if it does, then he’s accomplished his goal. If we all just ignore it. keep referring to it as the Gulf of Mexico and give puzzled looks to any weirdos that refer to it differently until they refer to it correctly then it will just fade away and he will have to move on to something else that we can all choose to ignore. Eventually 4 years pass and he’s either dead or out of power and we can all move on (if there is still anything left to move on to).

For every dumb mother fucker who voted for this guy thinking he wouldn't lead the US into more wars, he's threatening military action around the globe on three different continents already and isn't even in office yet.

When he dies, if I'm still alive and not in a fucking gulag, I'm going to make a special trip to take a big shit on his grave.