Political Discussion

This one is monumentally stupid. They didn't outright reject them, they just asked to be treated with a shred of human dignity and transported according to the already agreed upon arrangements, but because this regime knows nothing except cruelty they shoved them, shackled in military transports like livestock. But calling this out is too much for this little toddler's Adderall riddled mind to bear so of course he resorts to his new shiny toy...tariffs.
Colombia already “caved” (otherwise known as acting like a responsible party) and is going to arrange transport flights themselves.
Trump has been in the office for one week now. And what people have to say about Trump's first week in office is very partisan. There seems to be no middle ground, they either really love what he's doing it despise it.

The people that love what Trump is doing say he has accomplished more in 1 week than Biden did in 4 years. That he realized on his campaign promises unlike Biden. He's a strong leader who is getting the job done.

Those that despise what Trump has been doing are very scared of what he is doing and say he is unhinged.
Trump has been in the office for one week now. And what people have to say about Trump's first week in office is very partisan. There seems to be no middle ground, they either really love what he's doing it despise it.

The people that love what Trump is doing say he has accomplished more in 1 week than Biden did in 4 years. That he realized on his campaign promises unlike Biden. He's a strong leader who is getting the job done.

Those that despise what Trump has been doing are very scared of what he is doing and say he is unhinged.
This is not surprising is it?

The hardcore supporters are going to be onboard no matter what. They won't admit they were wrong even when the leopard is eating their faces. He's their God emperor.

Most of everyone else sees it for what it is: erasing decades of progress, complete uncontrolled cruelty, alienating all allies, and a complete circus of incompetence - likely to reduce America's standing for decades to come.

There doesn't seem to be a middle ground because there isn't one. There's no grey areas. It's either stand with progress and equality or succumb to the fascist mob.

Trump is not a uniter, he pits one side against the other while him and his cronies are going to profit from the suffering of Americans. This has always been his MO. You're either onboard, or the enemy.

Trump stands against everything America was built on. While his supporters like to think of themselves as the true patriots, there's absolutely nothing patriotic about what's going on. It's not even putting America first. It's putting himself and those who kiss the ring, and countries that have long been the enemy of America first. There's no "well I do like this policy" about it. True Americans should all collectively be abhorred about every passing day in Trump's America.
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This is without a doubt, fascism. Let's call it what it is. It's only going to get worse. You can't "yeah, but..." It.

We all agreed never again, we love to toss names like MLK and Rosa Parks around. We say we never want another Hitler, but here we are. It's all coming full circle with those that are supposed to be the "good guys" on the world stage. Humanity's worst impulses are at the surface yet again. You're either on board with spiralling into darkness or you're disgusted and the very notion.

Truly no offense, but I'm amazed this is even a discussion on how polarizing this has all been. This is not someone like George W, who for all the bad shit was at the end of the day someone who at least tried to bring America together. This is someone who by design is either demanding blind loyalty or the persecution of those that do not comply.
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This is without a doubt, fascism. Let's call it what it is. It's only going to get worse. You can't "yeah, but..." It.

We all agreed never again, we love to toss names like MLK and Rosa Parks around. We say we never want another Hitler, but here we are. It's all coming full circle with those that are supposed to be the "good guys" on the world stage. Humanity's worst impulses are at the surface yet again. You're either on board with spiralling into darkness or you're disgusted and the very notion.

Truly no offense, but I'm amazed this is even a discussion on how polarizing this has all been. This is not someone like George W, who for all the bad shit was at the end of the day someone who at least tried to bring America together. This is someone who by design is either demanding blind loyalty or the persecution of those that do not comply.
I'm not disagreeing with your point so my apologies if this has that tone when I don't mean for it to, just can't let Bush be mentioned without feeling the need to say...

W. belongs in the Hague for causing the deaths of over a million people. But his "us" vs "them" extended to most Americans. Trump hasn't unleashed his worst on the world yet. But his divisions feel worse only because they're closer to home right now. The point that he's a fascist in a way that even W. wasn't is fair and I do think Trump will end up doing far worse things with far worse consequences for global stability and oppressed people everywhere. He is oppression incarnate. I just don't want anyone to forget that even if Michelle Obama likes W. and shares her candy with him, Bush Jr is a war criminal even if he acted like a goofy moron.
This is not surprising is it?

The hardcore supporters are going to be onboard no matter what. They won't admit they were wrong even when the leopard is eating their faces. He's their God emperor.

Most of everyone else sees it for what it is: erasing decades of progress, complete uncontrolled cruelty, alienating all allies, and a complete circus of incompetence - likely to reduce America's standing for decades to come.

There doesn't seem to be a middle ground because there isn't one. There's no grey areas. It's either stand with progress and equality or succumb to the fascist mob.

Trump is not a uniter, he pits one side against the other while him and his cronies are going to profit from the suffering of Americans. This has always been his MO. You're either onboard, or the enemy.

Trump stands against everything America was built on. While his supporters like to think of themselves as the true patriots, there's absolutely nothing patriotic about what's going on. It's not even putting America first. It's putting himself and those who kiss the ring, and countries that have long been the enemy of America first. There's no "well I do like this policy" about it. True Americans should all collectively be abhorred about every passing day in Trump's America.
I've not yet watched this all the way through, but the first few minutes seem to align with what steve bannon has said his goal is: to burn everything down.

I'm not disagreeing with your point so my apologies if this has that tone when I don't mean for it to, just can't let Bush be mentioned without feeling the need to say...

W. belongs in the Hague for causing the deaths of over a million people. But his "us" vs "them" extended to most Americans. Trump hasn't unleashed his worst on the world yet. But his divisions feel worse only because they're closer to home right now. The point that he's a fascist in a way that even W. wasn't is fair and I do think Trump will end up doing far worse things with far worse consequences for global stability and oppressed people everywhere. He is oppression incarnate. I just don't want anyone to forget that even if Michelle Obama likes W. and shares her candy with him, Bush Jr is a war criminal even if he acted like a goofy moron.
Absolutely Bush is a war criminal. But honestly name me an American president in the past couple of decades who isn't. I like Obama, but can honestly admit the drone program explosion under his watch is responsible for a number of human rights violations. The difference I'm trying to point out is that despite being a war criminal, Bush at least did not possess the sheer contempt for, and desire to see his own people suffering despite of his treatment of enemy countries.

When alliances were tested, at worse we got the term "freedom fries" out of it, instead of the complete severing of long standing friendships that trump is dealing.

On a global stability level I would take 20 years of Bush over 4 years of Trump. As someone who remembers very well the Bush era this says a ton.
Again, while I hated Bush I think my feelings on him are this:

Bush wasn't a smart man, in fact up until Trump I think he may have been the dumbest president in American history. The only thing he possessed as far as qualifications go is a last name. Bush honestly I think meant well, but being a particularly dumb man, he was easily manipulated by those around him... mainly the war hawks with personal interests like Cheney.

Trump is also a particularly stupid man, but has no shred of humanity. He's a bully and a narcissist...only looking to enrich himself.
I've not yet watched this all the way through, but the first few minutes seem to align with what steve bannon has said his goal is: to burn everything down.

Without watching the video...

Yes, one of the goals is to definitely burn it all down, and create a country that further enriches those around him, as well as himself. Crippling the country definitely allows the rich to buy up everything at pennies on the dollar, and create a new oligarchy.

The true terror though, is this is a monster with several heads. First is definitely the greed aspect of it all. Next is these billionaires want complete autonomy to do what they will. Eliminate jobs, act with complete impunity through deregulation, removing all guardrails to any future technology such as AI which allows them to continue to enrich themselves at the expense of the average working Americans. Is this industry making Americans around them sicker? Yep, but what are you going to do about it. Also, it allows government entities to be privatized, and money to be funnelled to, and skimmed from those that seek to profit. Trump definitely will seek to profit from this.

Then you have the fact that he is hell bent on revenge from what he feels is unfair treatment. He is at heart, a deeply insecure and petty man, twice impeached, prosecuted several times over. He will take revenge on those who he feels have wronged him, and will weaponize the full weight of the US government against them.

There is also the fact that he has zero shred of empathy, and a deep love and fascination with tyrants and dictators - past and present. Hitler is definitely a role model from him, and he will follow his path to a T. Couple that will a long standing hatred toward minorities, and seeing them as inferior, and "dirty" and what you're seeing now with "the illegals" is only the beginning of this nightmare. His feelings towards average Americans, even white can be seen as non existent, so he also does not give a shit if everyone suffers, you're not people to him...only the rich deserve the niceties.

And to top it all off, as much as he IS a complete, bumbling moron, he has surrounded himself with people who are not, and who share the same contempt of the working class, hatred of non-white males and a unsatisfiable sense of greed it's going to be a long period of suffering.

And I didn't even touch the fact that he, and many members of the MAGA political movement are actively working in the best interests of foreign entities like Russia and Saudi Arabia...countries that most definitely do not have any love for the United States of America.