I've not yet watched this all the way through, but the first few minutes seem to align with what steve bannon has said his goal is: to burn everything down.
Without watching the video...
Yes, one of the goals is to definitely burn it all down, and create a country that further enriches those around him, as well as himself. Crippling the country definitely allows the rich to buy up everything at pennies on the dollar, and create a new oligarchy.
The true terror though, is this is a monster with several heads. First is definitely the greed aspect of it all. Next is these billionaires want complete autonomy to do what they will. Eliminate jobs, act with complete impunity through deregulation, removing all guardrails to any future technology such as AI which allows them to continue to enrich themselves at the expense of the average working Americans. Is this industry making Americans around them sicker? Yep, but what are you going to do about it. Also, it allows government entities to be privatized, and money to be funnelled to, and skimmed from those that seek to profit. Trump definitely will seek to profit from this.
Then you have the fact that he is hell bent on revenge from what he feels is unfair treatment. He is at heart, a deeply insecure and petty man, twice impeached, prosecuted several times over. He will take revenge on those who he feels have wronged him, and will weaponize the full weight of the US government against them.
There is also the fact that he has zero shred of empathy, and a deep love and fascination with tyrants and dictators - past and present. Hitler is definitely a role model from him, and he will follow his path to a T. Couple that will a long standing hatred toward minorities, and seeing them as inferior, and "dirty" and what you're seeing now with "the illegals" is only the beginning of this nightmare. His feelings towards average Americans, even white can be seen as non existent, so he also does not give a shit if everyone suffers, you're not people to him...only the rich deserve the niceties.
And to top it all off, as much as he IS a complete, bumbling moron, he has surrounded himself with people who are not, and who share the same contempt of the working class, hatred of non-white males and a unsatisfiable sense of greed it's going to be a long period of suffering.
And I didn't even touch the fact that he, and many members of the MAGA political movement are actively working in the best interests of foreign entities like Russia and Saudi Arabia...countries that most definitely do not have any love for the United States of America.