I’ve been turning this over in my head all day, and I keep coming to the conclusion that this feels like a double standard, to me.
So Bernie told Liz in 2018 either that a) he didn’t think a woman could beat Trump in 2020, or that b) Trump was going to use a candidate’s gender against her in gross ways that would present unique challenges to that candidate (ergo making it more difficult for her to win than a male nominee).
Some talking points for Bernie canvassers get leaked that say essentially that Warren has electability issues.
In a possibly retaliatory move, folks with secondhand knowledge of that 2018 discussion tell the press that Warren told them at the time that Bernie said to her (whew) that a woman can’t win in 2020. She apparently believed then, and believes now, that this is the message he was communicating.
Bernie denies saying this.
Warren confirms both via written statement and verbally at the debate that yes, this is the message she got from Bernie but no, she doesn’t want to focus on it and they’re still friends and allies for the progressive cause.
Conclusion: Whatever Bernie said was private, and he was just being honest. But if Warren is likewise honest and confirms—when asked directly if it’s true—that it happened, then she’s petty, vindictive, damaging the party, and making disastrous decisions that reveal her untrustworthy nature?
I think that ultimately the misogyny of this story *isn’t* what Bernie said to Warren, but how she’s being punished for honestly recounting what she believes she heard. But Bernie, well, Bernie’s just an honest guy whose privacy has been violated, and sure he may have voiced an unpopular opinion but gee, look how she’s acting...maybe he was right after all!
Meanwhile (and this is a point I saw on Twitter, not a thought I can take credit for) we see on the debate stage that they can’t even clearly communicate what each other means about election results “in the last 30 years.” So how likely is it that one of them is lying at all, when we see how easily two ostensible friends can misunderstand and talk past each other right in front of us?