Pop, Pop, Pop Culture - The SDCC August Spin Challenge!


Well-Known Member

(Header photo shamelessly stolen from the comic-con website)

Welcome to the August Daily Spin Challenge! This month we will take you to the capitol of all things pop culture, San Diego Comic Con. SDCC just finished up last weekend, and I’ve been fortunate to have been attending it for a number of years. To that end, prompts will come from memories that I have from the con – some descriptive, some from pictures.

Gonna try to run this in sub-themes focusing on different areas of the con that make it special for me: Comics / Artists, Movies / TV / Music and Attendees.

As always, regular rules apply. Play something related to the daily theme if you can. Or Take the description and head in another direction if you can’t. Try not to repeat what others have played for that day.

It wouldn’t be Comic-Con without a giveaway, so at the end of the month I’ll throw the number of posts in a random number generator, and the winner will get a copy of the Mondo “The Batman” soundtrack.

Theme 1: Comics / Artists

Day 1
: Taking it back to where it began, SDCC traces its roots to 1970 when the first 3 day con was held, with about 300 attendees (compared to the 135k roughly estimated now). One of the special guests that year was Jack Kirby. Kirby created or co-created a number of well known characters like Iron Man, Captain America, Fantastic Four, and the X-Men and was known for his dynamic drawing style. This biography of Kirby is well worth a read.

Play something with a great illustration or something iconic on the cover.

Day 2: Stan Lee was a con staple until his passing, saw him a number of times there. The ultimate hype man, I’m glad he was able to see the rebirth of the Marvel brand in his later years. I recommend this book as a good read on the history of Marvel and Stan.

Play something that was hyped up prior to its release (rightly or wrongly).

Day 3: Scott Shaw is one of my favorite people to go see every year at the Con. One of the founding members of the Con he started in underground comix in the 70s before moving to being the artist for comics like The Flinstones, Simpsons, Sonic The Hedgehog. He still has that undergound / counter culture personality and always puts on a great panel and has a biography out that my kids got autographed for me last year.

Play something that is considered counter-culture / underground.

Day 4: Andy Runton is the author of the Owly series, and one of the first people we got to know well at Comic Con as my (now 27 year old) kid was all about Owly when they were younger. A fantastic series for kids, there are no words in the books, rather the story is told through the pictures. Makes for a great discussion / interpretation of story with those that aren’t old enough to read. Check out his site!

Play something with no words – be it a single track on an album, or a full album.

Day 5: Sergio Aragones should be familiar if you read Mad Magazine – he’s the guy that would draw all the little ‘doodles’ in the margins. I used to love searching through Mad to find them. Pre-Covid he was an annual participant in the ‘quick draw’ panel where a number of artists would take prompts from the audience and create comics on the fly. His website hasn’t been updated in a bit, but is still worth checking out.

Play something with a hidden track or secret embedded in the packaging.

Day 6: Alan Moore has only been to SDCC once, but his presence is everywhere and he’s one who raised comics to a literary level with titles like Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Batman: The Killing Joke, and his League of Extraordinary Gentlemen series. Only familiar with the movie? Pick up the Watchmen graphic novel and be prepared to be blown away.

Play an album that makes you think or look at things differently.

Day 7: Bill Willingham wrote the series that got me back into Comics, Fables. This series is based on the premise that characters from fairy tales and folklore live among us in New York having been banished from their other worlds. Really entertaining series with a lot of heart and humor that ended up spreading over 150 issues. Also where my wife's car got it's name and personalized plate (Rose Red). Check it out!

Play something based on a folk tale or fairy tale.
Movies / TV / Music - Comic-con has evolved well beyond Comics and is a focus for promoting new movies / shows. This section will cover just a few of the ways this happens, either at panels themselves or offsite installations or booths on the show floor itself.

Day 8: Michael Giaccino (Ratatouille, Up, The Batman, Lost, a host of other credits) hosts a Soundtrack Panel every year that I really enjoy going to. It involves conversations with several different composers on their process of scoring for TV / Movies and the amount of work that goes into creating a large amount of music in a very short amount of time. This years panel focused on the composers for Deadpool & Wolverine, The Boys, Nope, Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, and Found.

Play a soundtrack


Day 9: This year Mark Hamill popped into the Spongebob 25th anniversary panel to announce he would be voicing a character in the next Spongebob movie. Mark does a lot of voice over work (The Joker is probably his most famous), but it was a cool and very unexpected moment when he came out during the panel and seeing Spongebob and Luke Skywalker together

Play a collaboration, the more unexpected the better.


Day 10: The Walking Dead was a powerhouse presence at the con in its glory days. In 2013 they took over Petco Park (where the Padres play) and turned it into a Zombie 5k you could run through.

Play something appropriate for the apocalypse, or that you’d be willing to throw at a Zombie, Shaun of the Dead style.


Day 11: What we Do In the Shadows is a series about a group of dysfunctional vampires. They had a panel this year to kick off their final season. Mark Proksh plays a energy vampire named Colin Robinson who drains people of their emotional energy to great comedic effect.

Play something that leaves you emotionally spent.


Day 12: Neil Young’s Greendale was turned into a graphic novel that was initially released at SDCC a few years ago and was also a movie. This is from 2010 when the title was being launched. I appreciate whoever added the googly eyes to Sun Green.

Play an album or artist that has become the subject of a book or movie, or something that had a multimedia rollout.


Day 13: Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit – WETA came out of the Lord of the Rings / Hobbit films as a design studio, and always brings props and behind the scenes items to their booth at SDCC. This sculpture is from the WETA booth in 2014, he looks like he is ready to pound something.

Play something with some powerful drums.


Day 14: Marvel has easily been the king of Hall H over the years, using their Saturday Afternoon slot to reveal new projects. One of my favorite memories of their panel was the year that the first Black Panther movie debuted its trailer (which the cast hadn't even seen yet). The reaction of the cast to seeing the trailer for the first time and seeing representation in a superhero movie isn't something I'll soon forget.

Play something that blew you away the first time you heard it

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Ok, now for the rest of the month we are going to focus on my favorite parts of the Con. The creativity and passion of the attendees never fails to impress me. I have never dressed up for the con, but all my kids have over the years.

Day 15: The Padres (like all San Diego Teams it seems) can never quite reach a championship. Play something by a band that you think should have made it big, but didn't.


Day 16: Play something you'd have as a soundtrack at a party


Day 17: Play something that wouldn't feel out of place at a Doctors office. Or play something that you can tie to your favorite Doctor from Doctor Who.


Day 18: Play something performed by (meddling) kids.


Day 19: Play something you would listen to on vacation.


Day 20: The Regular show references 80's culture quite a bit. Play something from that era, or is a throwback to it.


Day 21: Music plays a big part of Stephen Kings books and movies. Play something you can tie to a King novel/book, or something from the 50s/60s.

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Day 22: You can always run across a unexpected but perfect moment at the Con. Like Matt Groening being surrounded by a gaggle of Marges. I think its pretty well established that Homer loves his classic rock, but what does Marge listen to? Play something that you think Marge (or any other random Simpson character besides Homer) would like.


Day 23: Play something that that references the Police. Or pretend bonus points if you can play something that references shorts.


Day 24: Play an album that took a while for you to find.


Day 25: Tarantino movies are known for their song choices being iconic. Play a song thats closely associated with a Movie / Movie Scene.


Day 26: The 'Clickers' in the Last Of Us are victims of a fungal infection of the brain. Play something that references Nature.


Day 27: Play some driving music


Day 28: Showing off with this one. My oldest made this puppet a number of years ago - Its Garfield the Deals Warlock from Fantasy Costco (from the Adventure Zone Podcast), accented with a Linda Belcher 'Boob Police' hat purchased at the con. Play something that you got as a great deal.


Day 29: Play something old school.

Day 30: I think we can all agree that the Star Wars prequels would have been better in this alternate universe. Play an something that features outtakes / b-sides / alternates.


Day 31: After 4 long days at the con, we always close out the last day with some refreshments. Play something that references beer, or something scary.

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Day 01: Play something with a great illustration or something iconic on the cover.

The GZA - Liquid Sword
Iron Man!?!!. I decided to go with this since it features actual Iron Man art. But I coulda went with his fellow Wu-Tanger Ghostface Killah aka Tony Stark aka Pretty Tony.

This version is a bit of a Frankensteined copy. I had the Marvel cover but the original Liquid Sword album art is so iconic I felt like I need that too. So I ordered a standard pressing with the original artwork and put the lenticular cover, comic book, and colored wax with it. I think it tuned out great.

Day 2: Play something that was hyped up prior to its release (rightly or wrongly).

The Joshua Tree kicked in the door. The hype for this one was gargantuan. It mostly delivered. The last U2 record I bought. It was good but the pretentiousness was multiplying exponentially. Didn't care about or buy anything going forward.

Tip o' de cap to David Evans for the perfect solo on this one...

U2 - Achtung Baby

Day 1:
Play something with a great illustration or something iconic on the cover.

Gotta go with some art from Swiss surrealist H.R. Giger...

And not the "Penis Landscape" painting that was included with Dead Kennedys' Frankenchrist album, but I could have gone with that, too.

Magma ‎– Attahk
Tomato ‎– TOM-7021, 1978


Cut by Joe Gastwirt at Masterdisk


Day 2: Play something that was hyped up prior to its release (rightly or wrongly).

Going to Two-Face it here, and flip the coin on yesterdays spin. Danny Elfman's Batman score is iconic, there's no doubt about that. But Prince's Batman soundtrack album was a big deal at the time, not only did it have its own buzz but also helped hype up the films release. And it certainly lives up to it.

This is a interesting article on the genesis of the album:

Prince ~ Batman

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Day 2: Play something that was hyped up prior to its release (rightly or wrongly).

Phoebe Bridgers - Punisher

I feel like this was the last indie release I was out of the loop on the hype train I saw everywhere going in to it's release. Really love the album tho. Not usually into most things that get on the hype train, not because I'm too cool but because I'm not cool anymore. I was looking through my 3000+ records and had a hard time finding one that I could remember many being hyped for 😂

Day 02: Play something that was hyped up prior to its release (rightly or wrongly).

The Strokes - Is This It

There are two band that defined the two eras that shifted popular music for me personally, the first was Nirvana who’s Nevermind seemed like a bomb dropped, no one was prepared for that albums arrival and the industry had to scramble for a couple years to figure it all out. The next shift was about a decade later when The Strokes arrived and made NYC guitar rock cool again. The difference this time was that the internet existed and digital music was a thing so unlike Nevermind, Is This It was more like a comet what everyone saw coming from light years away allowing the hype to build to build to near hyperbolic levels before their first album had even been recorded. I remember being supremely dubious, seeing the handsome lads with their greasy hair, thrift store suits and Chuck Taylor’s swilling PBR and smoking Marlboro reds on the cover on NME, Rolling Stone and Spin magazines, reading stories about the privileged upbringing and current dive bar existence it all felt too perfect to be real. Needless to say I was completely skeptical… until I heard “Last Nite” for first time and all my cynicism immediately melted away. They were perfect and their music was legit.
