Pop, Pop, Pop Culture - The SDCC August Spin Challenge!

Day 4: Play something with no words – be it a single track on an album, or a full album

J Dilla "Donuts"

Lots of vocal samples but no words. I went on an interesting journey with Jay Dee, at first he was the guy that ruined A Tribe Called Quest! It was a weird time, people wanted Tribe to be the Tribe of Low End/Midnight but they wanted to evolve and expand and change their sound and as always people didn't want to follow them! Beats, Rhymes and Life is actually a great record that unfortunately had to follow two flawless records so people weren't all that jazzed about that one so the follow up had even bigger expectations and it fell short to most fans and who better to blame than the new guy!

Tribe ended because of issues beyond J Dilla but the damage was done, sort of. Fantastic Vol. 2 opened people's eyes. I never saw it myself, I only heard stories, but Dilla would be DJing at the shows, running out from behind the tables to do his verse then running back to DJ, it was a sight, man was full of energy and really wanted to put on a show.

Then he got sick and died and everyone seemed to have discovered him, again...this record hit right out the box, other things took time but something about this just clicked. I went back and slowly started to discover his work and his style and can now say although it didn't click at first I eventually came around and really started to appreciate what he did and it's a shame the world lost such an amazing artist
Day 4: Andy Runton is the author of the Owly series, and one of the first people we got to know well at Comic Con as my (now 27 year old) kid was all about Owly when they were younger. A fantastic series for kids, there are no words in the books, rather the story is told through the pictures. Makes for a great discussion / interpretation of story with those that aren’t old enough to read. Check out his site!

Play something with no words – be it a single track on an album, or a full album.

One of the cool things about going to comic con regularly is getting to know some of the artists. For our two (so far) that have graduated high school, we've commissioned their favorite artists to to a personalized sketch for them. This is the one that Andy did for our oldest, with them sketched as some of the cosplays they've worn over the years visiting Owly. Bonus points if you can name all the characters.


To bring it back, the Owly books have a heavy focus on nature and conservation. This seemed like an appropriate spin for the day.

Mort Garson ~ Plantasia

Day 3: Scott Shaw is one of my favorite people to go see every year at the Con. One of the founding members of the Con he started in underground comix in the 70s before moving to being the artist for comics like The Flinstones, Simpsons, Sonic The Hedgehog. He still has that undergound / counter culture personality and always puts on a great panel and has a biography out that my kids got autographed for me last year.

Play something that is considered counter-culture / underground.

Godspeed You Black Emperor! - f# a#

Day 4: Andy Runton is the author of the Owly series, and one of the first people we got to know well at Comic Con as my (now 27 year old) kid was all about Owly when they were younger. A fantastic series for kids, there are no words in the books, rather the story is told through the pictures. Makes for a great discussion / interpretation of story with those that aren’t old enough to read. Check out his site!

Play something with no words – be it a single track on an album, or a full album.

Do Make Say Think - Stubborn Persistent Illusions

Let's keep the Constellation Records post rock train going for one more album...

Day 3:
Play something that is considered counterculture / underground.

Some counterculture / underground music from the east coast -

The Fugs – The Fugs
ESP Disk – ESP 1028, 1966

Cut by David Hancock


Day 5: Play something with a hidden track or secret embedded in the packaging

It had a hidden track, at least on the cassette I have from 92 but it's listed on this record so the secret is out? Just reading the title it probably should have stayed hidden but it's not like it stands out from the rest of the record!

I always think of hidden tracks and CDs, shit I remember hearing about CDs you'd start and immediately rewind to find a hidden track BEFORE the album not after! Also it was always fun to listen to something with friends and start to talk about it after it's done to all of a sudden be hit with a hidden track, good times.
Day 05: Play something with a hidden track or secret embedded in the packaging

Green Day - Dookie
Secret tracks in the CD era were always a fun surprise. I remember being disappointed that my copy of Nirvana’s Nevermind was missing “Endless Nameless”. Thankfully, my copy of Dookie contained the silly Tre Cool sung ode to self love, “All By Myself”.
Day 5: Play something with a hidden track or secret embedded in the packaging.

The Black Angels - Directions To See A Ghost

The B side of the third LP has two bonus tracks on it that are not listed anywhere on either the jacket track listing or on the center label of the disc.

Day 5: Sergio Aragones should be familiar if you read Mad Magazine – he’s the guy that would draw all the little ‘doodles’ in the margins. I used to love searching through Mad to find them. Pre-Covid he was an annual participant in the ‘quick draw’ panel where a number of artists would take prompts from the audience and create comics on the fly. His website hasn’t been updated in a bit, but is still worth checking out.

Play something with a hidden track or secret embedded in the packaging.

Shearwater - The Golden Archipelago

To get to the bonus track, you have to lift the needle after a locked groove after the last song.
