Pre-Order Thread

Fans of Shamir (Bailey) may recognize this artist, as they are currently signed to Shamir’s label, Accidental Popstar.

This is the first song on the album and it’s everything. Somehow sounds like Cher in the 90s had a baby with New Order to me? I can’t explain it.

Anyway, check it out. Album was released on Friday… and it’s a lot of fun! Available for pre-order here: Macy Rodman - Unbelievable Animals LP
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Whenever I died from dysentery on the Oregon trail I always made my tombstone read

“I died of runny poooooooop”

My 8 year old brain always found it funny to see how many “o”s the program would limit me to or imagining the poor guy chiseling out that many “o”s in poop in a limestone slab 100 mile short of Chimney Rock.
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My sister actually got dysentery earlier this year from the shigella bacteria. Not good times for her and ended up in the ER for dehydration :oops: it’s still pretty common, we are just much better at treating GI stuff.

edit: I should note that there were so many Oregon Trail jokes after she got a little better!
My sister actually got dysentery earlier this year from the shigella bacteria. Not good times for her and ended up in the ER for dehydration :oops: it’s still pretty common, we are just much better at treating GI stuff.

edit: I should note that there were so many Oregon Trail jokes after she got a little better!

N&G: Come for the vinyl, stay for the gastrointestinal distress talk!
My sister actually got dysentery earlier this year from the shigella bacteria. Not good times for her and ended up in the ER for dehydration :oops: it’s still pretty common, we are just much better at treating GI stuff.

edit: I should note that there were so many Oregon Trail jokes after she got a little better!
I just had a coworker and his 3 kids all under three y/o get shiga-toxin producing E coli, and all were hospitalized for a couple weeks. One of the kids had to get flown to Seattle Childrens Hospital, almost needed dialysis. Thankfully, they’re all home now and on the mend, but it was scary for a bit