Pre-Order Thread

This doesn’t bother me.
I don't mind waiting a month or two for my other albums to be released for my order to ship but I don't want to order something that comes out in May and the other albums I order don't come out until September or October as that is a long wait for the 1st album especially if the other albums get delayed so it's an even longer wait to get your original album.
I don't mind waiting a month or two for my other albums to be released for my order to ship but I don't want to order something that comes out in May and the other albums I order don't come out until September or October as that is a long wait for the 1st album especially if the other albums get delayed so it's an even longer wait to get your original album.

Place individual orders then?
I don't mind waiting a month or two for my other albums to be released for my order to ship but I don't want to order something that comes out in May and the other albums I order don't come out until September or October as that is a long wait for the 1st album especially if the other albums get delayed so it's an even longer wait to get your original album.
I'm Kind of a GIANT Colemine head. I PRETTY MUCH PREORDER EVERYTHING. I usually just add something from the curated section or a pack of inners or a 7 inch I don’t have…
But then shipping won't be free. Where shipping is really cheap I don't paying for it but when shipping really expensive I'd like to spend enough to get free shipping.

Free shipping is shipping once. It’s a business taking a loss and rewarding you for spending over a certain amount. To expect them to triple their costs for your convenience is at best absurd.

Shipping is a service that costs money. If you don’t want to pay it go to a shop.
Free shipping is shipping once. It’s a business taking a loss and rewarding you for spending over a certain amount. To expect them to triple their costs for your convenience is at best absurd.

Shipping is a service that costs money. If you don’t want to pay it go to a shop.

Which can be impossible if said album is only available on band camp or the artist's web shop and not available through any distributor.




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Lololololo at those prices.