Pre-Order Thread

Nothing against the soundtrack, it’s fine, but the unearned love my generation pays this utterly mediocre movie still boggles my mind. I will never understand how this film became a 90s cult touchstone. Everything about it feels generic. It’s a movie extensively about a record store written by people that who rarely went to record stores or even really enjoyed music. This is a weird situation where I don’t hate the move, it’s almost painfully MOR in every sense but I hate that this particular movie gets thought of along the same lines as Clerks or Dazed & Confused or Clueless as the quintessential 90s movie. It’s not even the best 90s movie set in a record store, High Fidelity is infinitely better.

I’ve watched it a few times and I’d agree with this.
I’ve watched it a few times and I’d agree with this.
I have watched it all the way through 3 times. First in Junior High when it was a new release on VHS and as a music nerd I was looking forward to a movie celebrating music culture. I was slightly disappointed in that it wasn’t more substantial but didn’t think of it much after dropping back by Family Video. Then I got to college and there was a group of people that really enjoyed it, and these were people that I somewhat respected their taste (in that it wasn’t absolute garbage) so I rewatched it thinking that now, as a young adult maybe I could appreciate things that I couldn’t has a 12 year old but I was even more unimpressed as a 20 year old I had as a preteen and as time went on and social media became more of a thing I started seeing a big nostalgic push for Empire Records so for a third time I sat down and watch it again still hoping that its charm would hit me but still I lack to comprehend the films endearing qualities. I feel bad bagging on it because it’s not a bad movie, it’s just a forgettable one and definitely not one worth quoting or throwing “Rex Manning Day” parties for.
I only ever watched Empire Records when I was an adult, and I felt it was more of a love-letter type movie to jaded living in the 90s than a love-letter to record stores. Like a Reality Bites set in a record store. So I don't really have nostalgia associated with it. I do have nostalgia associated with Dazed & Confused, and obviously prefer that one much more.

With that said, the way @TenderLovingKiller® gets triggered by a feature film is QUITE tickling.
Nothing against the soundtrack, it’s fine, but the unearned love my generation pays this utterly mediocre movie still boggles my mind. I will never understand how this film became a 90s cult touchstone. Everything about it feels generic. It’s a movie extensively about a record store written by people that who rarely went to record stores or even really enjoyed music. This is a weird situation where I don’t hate the move, it’s almost painfully MOR in every sense but I hate that this particular movie gets thought of along the same lines as Clerks or Dazed & Confused or Clueless as the quintessential 90s movie. It’s not even the best 90s movie set in a record store, High Fidelity is infinitely better.
Like a Reality Bites set in a record store.
This is a good example and one I almost referenced. I actually felt similarly to Reality Bites when it first came out, I was even younger when I saw that one but loved the soundtrack and was excited for the film but fairly uninspired initially. I didn’t hate it but I also didn’t love it either. The difference was I revisited when I was roughly the characters ages in the movie and it absolutely clicked for me. I found a lot of it funny and relatable in ways I did not when I was 11 years old. I never found any connection to Empire Records in the same way.
This is a good example and one I almost referenced. I actually felt similarly to Reality Bites when it first came out, I was even younger when I saw that one but loved the soundtrack and was excited for the film but fairly uninspired initially. I didn’t hate it but I also didn’t love it either. The difference was I revisited when I was roughly the characters ages in the movie and it absolutely clicked for me. I found a lot of it funny and relatable in ways I did not when I was 11 years old. I never found any connection to Empire Records in the same way.
Yeah, I think a lot of those 90s Gen X films had that disaffected kind of vibe. Which is also why I think Daria was so ahead of its time. It felt like it was the voice of that generation while also poking fun of them at the same time. Another random one I just watched was Hackers. Completely unrealistic, but a fun watch nonetheless.
I have watched it all the way through 3 times. First in Junior High when it was a new release on VHS and as a music nerd I was looking forward to a movie celebrating music culture. I was slightly disappointed in that it wasn’t more substantial but didn’t think of it much after dropping back by Family Video. Then I got to college and there was a group of people that really enjoyed it, and these were people that I somewhat respected their taste (in that it wasn’t absolute garbage) so I rewatched it thinking that now, as a young adult maybe I could appreciate things that I couldn’t has a 12 year old but I was even more unimpressed as a 20 year old I had as a preteen and as time went on and social media became more of a thing I started seeing a big nostalgic push for Empire Records so for a third time I sat down and watch it again still hoping that its charm would hit me but still I lack to comprehend the films endearing qualities. I feel bad bagging on it because it’s not a bad movie, it’s just a forgettable one and definitely not one worth quoting or throwing “Rex Manning Day” parties for.

I think the last time I had watched this, I was in a relationship with a girl who was working at a music store and she was obsessed with the movie. I wanted to like it because of the cast but just couldn’t get into it. Maybe I’ll put it on my list to rewatch.
I think the last time I had watched this, I was in a relationship with a girl who was working at a music store and she was obsessed with the movie. I wanted to like it because of the cast but just couldn’t get into it. Maybe I’ll put it on my list to rewatch.
Please do but remember I am not saying it’s a bad movie. It’s fine. It’s just not a worthy movie to garner a cult following or a generational defining movie.

If you watch it and think is okay to kinda meh. That is the correct take.
And if he decides it is the best movie since Citizen Kane?
Keep it to himself.

…or don’t. why do I care? this is the internet it’s full of terrible opinions.

In fact, just today I saw some chuckle fuck expressed that they find the films of Richard Linklater middling.

Though this opinion would likely have me reassess their level of taste.
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Original pressings of this go for mind-boggling amounts, so I may wait to see it drop so I can have this buttrock classic on plastic.