Pre-Order Thread

I’ve been adding the CDs in. This is where I am as i wander into the grand Miles Forest.
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I only use discogs for vinyl (and maybe 1 or 2 cassettes that are The National related)

I lost count, but believe we have close to 5,000 cds now - though many are bootlegs that were burned. (I was a bit of a trader back in the day) No way I want to enter all that. We were the people who showed up at Best Buy every Tuesday and bought all the new releases - cd and dvd, and now, I have no room left in my house.

So yes, I have severely cut back on purchases this year (but I did pick up the spotify Honeybear because I love FJM)

Local Oklahoma Grungaze band Downward from Tulsa. 3rd pressing of their last ep. Very cool band.

RIYL: Narrow Head, Deftones, Hum, Failure, Trauma Ray, Whirr
Solid. Mina Kimes reps with her Pavement -Wowee Zowee cover art painting. I think Jeff Passan has Evil Empire, Enter The Wu-Tang, and Pinkerton albums for his background shot.
Yeah, Mina’s background is the best. I remember seeing some John Cheever books back there at some point too. I think I tend to agree with most of her points just because I think she has good taste
I have no idea what a scrobble is.

What the hell do I have to collect now?
It's a tracking of a play of a song. I've scrobbled most everything I've listened to since 2010 and almost 400,000 tracks. tracks listens, and you can scribble from most streaming places. With playing physical media you have to go to a site and manually enter.

And it's free and you don't really have to collect anything :)