Pre-Order Thread

I'm not a Goose fan, but it's crazy how they've tapped Brian Blomerth to do all this new artwork for them. I originally discovered Brian through work he did for his friend, Lil Ugly Mane.

I also recently interviewed Blomerth to promote his graphic novel Lilly Wave. It's about ketamine researcher, John C. Lilly, who invented the sensory deprivation tank and pioneered studies on dolphin communication.

If you like his artwork, it's worth picking up.
Sounds like something up @Enaz Fox ’s alley


I own his 2 other books Mycelium Wassonii and Bycicle Day, the art is amazing and if the history of psychedelics interests you they are pretty informative. I didn’t realize he’d released a third book but I will probably be grabbing that at some point as well.

The latest one is great. It might be my favorite.


I forgot. I'm actually giving a copy away


love you for thinking of me. :) Brian is rad, been following awhile. he also did a gizzard poster in 22'.

also did the cover for an album with nick hexum which tied him back to Nebraska

You already read the interview, but him mentioning how he believes that Velvet Underground - Loaded is the greatest album cover ever and that he draws the smoke all the time was a connection I never made before. You can see it all through his work, especially with stuff like the Ryley Walker Golden Sings That Have Been Sung cover

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