I'm actually out of town this week and had it re-delivered by UPS to a friend's house nearby. That pic is the pic they sent me. I'm hoping that clear sleeve goes into something a little sturdier though because it looks really flimsy.
I'm not familiar with outgassing though? it sounds like a really clinical term for a fart. In other news, I went to a friends house this weekend and he was saying how his parents wouldn't let him or his siblings say "fart" when they were little, so they had to say "poo smell," as in, "Gregory made a poo smell." He grew up in Australia, so maybe that's more common in Australia? Just seems overly descriptive for my taste.
Anyway so I just googled outgassing and it sounds like it's an issue with a certain type of PVC sleeve - the kind that is usually used with a picture disc (to show off the picture on the disc, I assume)? yeah it could definitely be that from the pic - but I think that outgassing would only be a problem if I left it in there for like, at least a few months, right?